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My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. I noticed I was in Pete's room, but he wasn't here. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning sleep away. I smelled food and I stood, limping to the kitchen.

Pete looked up at me and smiled. "Mourning you," he looked down at the pancakes he poured syrup on. I hummed greeting, sitting at the table. Pete sat a plate in front of me and I grabbed a fork, beginning to eat.

Pete sat across from me, eating his pancakes. "Where are Andy and Joe?" I asked, noticing them nowhere.

"Went to get something. Who knows." Pete replied. Great... it was just us... how awkward... I finished my pancakes and stood, putting my plate in the sink. I left to the living room and sat, staring down at my fingers.

Pete sat beside me and I looked to him. "Hey, about last night..." he began. I shook my head.

"I-it's nothing.." I said looking up to him then back to my hands.

"No, it's everything. What happened?" He asked concerned.

"I just had a nightmare... n-no big deal.." I mumbled.

"About what?" Pete asked. I shook my head. He'd hate me.. "Tell me," he demanded. I swallowed.

I stared down at my hands. "I-it was about y-you and A-Andy.." I managed out in a whimper.

"Yea?" Pete gave me a curious look. I nodded. "Okay... well, what happened?"

I swallowed. "Y-you... y-you guys were together and apparently I... h-had a 'crush' or something on you.." I felt myself blush. "A-anyways... you were a demon or something and you kidnapped me. You and Andy rubbed your relationship in my face b-before..." I paused for a long time. "B-before you ate him... then me.."

I looked up to Pete who had wide eyes. He pulled me close and into a tight hug. "It's okay... you're safe... I'm not a demon or cannibal, I won't eat you or Andy." He cooed, giggling slightly at the end. I don't blame him because so did I. "Anything else happen?"

I shook my head, lying. I couldn't tell him about the rest... he hugged me for a long time, stroking my messy hair. "I'd never hurt you in any way." He cooed. His phone buzzed and I swallowed. He looked to his phone and growled.

Pulling me into his lap, he answered his phone. "What do you want?" He growled. I was close enough to hear.

'I'm sorry, please. Take me back... I love you.' They said.

"No. It's too late. You messed up. It's over." Pete hung up and tossed his phone behind himself. "Sorry.." he looked down.

"No... it's fine. He got what he deserved." I replied. "You didn't deserve it though.." I added. He smiled slightly and I smiled back. Not realizing what I was doing, I grabbed the sides of his face and leaned up, kissing him.

His eyes widened, staring at me. I tilted my head as I kissed him before pulling away. He stared down at me with wide eyes, but he was too shocked to move. "I-I'm sorry.." I stood and ran out of the room and to my room.

I crawled underneath my blankets, hiding. Tears ran down my face and I silently sobbed. I knew I ruined everything...

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now