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I shook all of their hands, trembling once I shook Mikey's. "W-why are you shaking? Are you okay?" Mikey asked me.

"O-oh... n-no, I'm okay..." I replied. Mikey hugged me and I froze completely.

"We're glad you're better!" He exclaimed. I swallowed and hugged him back, making him giggle. He pulled away and hugged Ray. I soon began to frown, realizing that they were together. But I was with somebody as well...

The show started and My Chem performed first. I watched Mikey play, becoming jealous when he played beside Ray. Gerard and Frank kissed, and so did Mikey and Ray at the far end of the stage.

Pete held my hand and I smiled at him. "Mikey and Ray are cute together, aren't they?" He smiled, watching the two. I only nodded. My Chem finished and it was our turn... Pete pulled me close for a gentle kiss. "Feeling any better?" He asked.

"Sort of.." I replied. "I can still sing, though." I added. We went out onto the stage, and I felt so awkward... I looked to the side to see Mikey clapping and smiling widely. I began to sing, feeling more anxious as I noticed Mikey watching me.

Could he feel the same? No... I know he didn't. He loved Ray and I loved Pete... And even if I wasn't with Pete, this was most likely the only time we'd see each other...

The songs ended and I shared my love with my fans before going backstage, the others fallowing. I felt arms go around my waist from behind and I turned to see Pete. "I'll be back babe. Wait here," he spoke before leaving out of the building. To where?

Mikey came up to me and I smiled at him. "Hey," I spoke.

"Hi," he smiled widely.

"So..." I looked down and blushed, now extremely embarrassed.

Mikey giggled and poked my cheek. "You're a tomato!" He giggled. I laughed awkwardly. "Gee likes Frankie more than a friend," he giggled, pointing in Gerard and Frank's direction. I giggled, watching them make out.

"Yup. Thousands of people saw that." I told him. He nodded.

"I know. Gee's so careless..." he smiled sweetly. I nodded.

"But he cares," I added. He nodded.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you," he smiled more.

"Same! I thought I was gonna be sick this mourning and miss this." I nodded. "I've been waiting since last week when I found out about this tour." I added.

"Same," he hugged me and I awkwardly hugged back.

"Okay, Mikes." Gerard came over. "You can let go of Patrick now."

Mikey released me and looked down. "I-I'm sorry, Gee.." he spoke.

"It's okay." Gerard said and I nodded. He ruffled his little brother's hair and I smiled at the two. "So, where'd Pete go?" Gerard turned to me.

I shrugged. "He said he'd be back." I said. Gerard nodded.

"Gee, can Patrick hang out sometime?" Mikey asked his older brother, holding his hand tightly and jerking it up and down.

"If he wants to, it's okay with me." Gerard replied. I smiled.

"I'd like that" I told him.

"Yayy!" Mikey cheered. As the two brothers walked away, I heard Mikey speak: "I like Patrick."

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now