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~Time Skip~★

Mikey curled into my chest as he slept. Both of us had gotten thinner out of starvation. We both lost track of how long we've been in here. I stroked Mikey's hair, humming to him. I was too scared to sleep. I had to keep an eye on him.

He breathed slowly and he whimpered. I feared he didn't have much time left... I feared sleep because I feared waking up to see his dead cold body laying next to me.

Mikey stirred in my arms and I looked down to him. He yawned, burying his face into my stomach. I blushed slightly but I didn't disturb him. He lifted his head up and kissed my lips. I didn't disturb him because I felt him relax against me.

He kissed me with much passion and gentleness, holding my face between shaking palms. I loved how gentle and caring he was... how gentle and caring Pete was to me... and that's when I had an idea.

"Mikey," I spoke, breaking the kiss.

"Y-yea?" Mikey asked.

"I have an idea. Do you have any chloroform by any chance?"

"Yea, Gee has some in here somewhere." Mikey replied, struggling up. He looked around the room for quite some time before returning with an old bottle labeled 'chloroform'. "W-what are you gonna d-do?" He asked, trembling as I stepped closer to him.

"Trust me, please, Mikey." I begged, damping my sleeve up with the liquid.

"P-Patrick..." he whimpered as I pressed him against the wall.

"Please, Mikey, please. Just trust me. Please," I begged. I kissed his lips for a long time, hoping he'd believe me. Hoping he'd trust me. I knew what I was doing.

"O-okay Patrick... I-I trust you.." he whimpered before kissing me again. I kissed him back before breaking it, covering my chloroform-soaked sleeve over his nose and mouth. He fell limp in my arms and I sighed, ready to get this over with.

Making myself cry was easy, and I called Pete into the room claiming that Mikey had died. Pete came into the room and checked Mikey's pulse to confirm my claim. "Get him out of my sight." Pete growled. I did as he told me to.

I carried Mikey's unconscious body out of the house and down the street. I didn't know where to take him, though. I carried him down the street and to the park and down a path. We arrived to my old cabin I bought and owned, and Pete didn't know about it. Nobody did.

I carried Mikey inside and layed him down onto the sofa that was surprisingly in shape. I stroked his hair, smiling. "You're safe now." I cooed. Then I sighed. I need to get Gerard.

I covered all the windows, the doors were already locked, and I wrote a note to Mikey:

Don't leave the cabin for ANYTHING. There is food in the cabinets and fridge. I will be back as soon as I can. I will come back so do not come looking for me. Stay safe, eat as much as you need.
~Patrick xoxo

I left the note on the coffee table before pulling on my jacket and the hood over my head. I exited the cabin and closed the locked door behind myself. I walked up the path and through the park. I walked up the street and nearing the hospital. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket. Pete...


"Hey baby. Get home right away. I have a surprise for you." I heard Pete, smirk visible in his insane voice.

"O-okay..." I whimpered before going to my house. Oh God... I arrived to my house and opened the door, closing it back.

"Baby is that you?" I heard his voice echo from the hall. I took in a deep breath and entered my room. In there sat Pete, naked on my bed and knife in his hand.

"P-Pete, what are you doing?" I trembled, backing away.

"I thought we could try something a little new." He smirked, grabbing my face painfully.


"Yes. It'll be fun!" He began to laugh. "It'll hurt but everything hurts a little at first." He smirked, slamming me against the wall. I tried to push him away but I couldn't. "What did you do with his body?"

"I-I threw it into the river... n-near the bridge.." I whimpered, tears coming to my eyes. I hoped he was okay...

"Good. Now it's just us," he smirked and moved his hands down to my pants. He forced them off along with my shirt, forcing me onto the bed. "Be a good boy, Patrick."

"Let me go!" I snapped. He smacked me hard across the face making me gasp.

"No. Shut up." He growled. "You aren't going anywhere."

"What about alcohol?" I asked, deciding to get him intoxicated so he'd pass out easier and forcing a slight smirk.

"Good thinking. But I already have some." He lifted up a bottle of vodka, forcing the liquid down my throat before chugging the rest down. I hoped he was still caring while drunk...

I knew he wasn't when he forced himself in and out of me, tight grip on my hips. It hurt... I wanted it to stop...

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now