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"Stop! Wake up!" I was shook awake by Pete. I sat up gasping for air and I panicked. "Stop it!" He slapped me across the face and I quit struggling. I couldn't speak, though, and Pete hugged me close. "Shh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you but you were panicking. Talk to me." He cooed.

I shook my head. "J-just a nightmare.." I whimpered.

"Talk to me about it." He stroked my hair.

"J-just... I-I was trapped in a basement w-with a demon t-that looked like you... a-and you had a hatchet... a-and y-you sliced my arm a-and stomach... I-I begged for you t-to k-kill me, b-but you said I'd b-be t-tortured for all e-eternity.." I sobbed.

"Aww babe..." he held me and rocked me, humming. "Shh," he kissed my forehead. "It's okay... It's gonna be okay..." he cooed. I seriously hoped so...

"Sameee!" Mikey exclaimed into the phone.

"And Braden does such an amazing job! Him being alone and all." I added.

"Yup!" He gasped. "So... I asked Gee if you can come over to my house."

"Yea?" I spoke curiously.

"He said you could! I just have to clean up some." He exclaimed happily.

"Great." I smiled. I felt arms go around my neck and down my chest from behind and I looked to see Pete. I smiled up at him and he smiled back, kissing the top of my head. "Oh can Pete come too?" I asked Mikey into the phone.

"Of course he can." Mikey replied. "Oh and Ray will be over." He added.

"Okay. I gotta go, but we'll talk later."

"Okay. Bye."


"So... who was that?" Pete asked me after I hung up.

"Mikey. He and Gerard invited us over." I replied. He nodded.

"Kay babe... but... can we talk?" He asked rubbing my chest. Frowning, I nodded. I expected the worst, him being Pete and all. He walked around the sofa and sat beside me, pulling me into his lap. "Babe..." My heart raced and I trembled, afraid of what was coming. "Is there any reasons you know of that you're having the dreams you do..?"

I relaxed. "N-no.." I replied, swallowing. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Are you sure? Babe if there is please tell me. Please talk to me about it." He begged.

"No, why?" I asked curious.

"I just..." he bit his lip. "I was just curious... I heard some things, and..."

"What? What did you hear?" I panicked.

"Just..." he shook his head. "Nothing.."

"Don't say nothing. If it's about me then I deserve to know." I demanded. He sighed.

"I heard that you were practically held hostage by your stepfather, and..." he looked down, seeing tears in my eyes. He knew... "And that you were raped... i-is it true?" He finished.

I broke into sobs, shaking violently and practically screaming. Pete pulled me into his lap and stroked my hair, rocking me. "Shhh, shh it's okay... I'm here." He cooed.

"It's not okay!" I cried. I sobbed harder, my tears soaking his shirt. He hummed to me but I only continued to sob. He rocked me, cooing and singing to me.

I breathed in rapid pants but I soon relaxed, my sobs dying down to whimpers. "I'm so so sorry baby..." Pete whispered, rubbing my back. "I shouldn't have brought it up, but... is there a reason it's me in your nightmares instead if him?" He asked gently.

I wiped at my eyes and pulled back to talk. "I-I don't know..." I choked out.

"Well when I found out, I read some articles on some websites about things like this." He stroked my hair. "Do you know why I'm in them?" I shook my head. He kissed my forehead. I needed to change the subject...

"Well um..." I bit my lip. "Mikey said to be over at about 5:30.." Pete nodded.

"Okay babe. I'm gonna take a shower, wanna join?" He rubbed my shoulder comfortingly. I didn't want to hurt his feelings and I worried before he spoke again. "You don't have to if you don't want to." He stated kissing my neck.

"O-okay... I'm gonna finish the new episode of Impractical Jokers." I told him.

He giggled and nodded. "Enjoy it. It's great." He chuckled. He kissed my forehead before standing, leaving to his room. I turned the episode on, watching curled up and underneath a blanket.

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now