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I collapsed onto my bed, sighing heavily. Andy, Joe and Pete sat in the kitchen eating, but I didn't want to... I played on my phone, kicking my shoes off. I layed on my stomach, burying my face into my pillow tiredly. I closed my eyes, sleep quickly washing over me...

I slowly woke up in Pete's room, under the blankets. I rubbed at my eyes, gasping when I noticed I was shirtless. I teared up, looking around for my shirt. I pulled on one of Pete's, not caring.

The door soon opened and Pete entered, closing it behind himself. He stumbled over to me and my eyes widened when I noticed he was partially intoxicated. "P-Pete.." I whimpered, backing away.

Pete sat beside me, pulling me close. "Yes, love?" He asked, leaning in to kiss my neck. I bit my lip.

"A-are you drunk?" I asked, hands on his chest ready to push him away.

"A bit..." he admitted, pulling away. He moved away from me and I frowned. I moved closer and grabbed his hand before he pulled away. "Don't touch me!"

I teared up, beginning to tremble. "Wh.." I whimpered. He swallowed, looking down.

"I-I don't want to hurt you.." he mumbled.

"N-no... no, you won't." I hugged him tightly. He gently touched my back and I smiled.

"I-I don't want to do anything to you that you don't want me to.." he spoke drunkly, hands moving down my back and lips against the side of my neck. I swallowed.

I put my hands onto his chest, ready to push him away anytime. "I'll tell you if I'm uncomfortable. But please don't be distant like that.. it scares me.." He nodded. I smiled and he kissed me. I kissed back, grabbing the sides of his face.

Pete pushed me back onto his bed and straddled my hips, deepening the kiss. I shook slightly, a bit uncomfortable... he closed his eyes, kissing me slowly, taking his time. I smiled at this through our kiss.

He licked my bottom lip, sucking on it making it hard to conceal small moans. He broke the kiss, resting his head on my shoulder, lips on the side of my neck. "You okay?" He murmured.

I pushed my fingers through his short blonde hair, smiling. "Yup," I replied. He began to kiss my neck and I closed my eyes, quiet moans slipping past my lips. How was he so caring while drunk? Usually guys would force their partner into things. I figured that's how Pete would be, his personality and all. But he took things slow, that's why I loved him.

Pete continued to kiss and occasionally nip at my neck, making me continuously moan quietly. He got to a certain part if my neck and I giggled. "That tickles!" I laughed. He smiled.

"Yea?" He reached up and tickled my neck making me laugh and writhe around on the bed.

"Yes! P-Pete- stop!" I laughed. I plied at his hand, trying to get him to stop. He smirked as he tickled me, watching me squirm.

"Ticklish?" He giggled.

"N-no duh!" I yelled out. He pulled his hand away and I gasped for air.

"Aww," he smirked. He kissed me and I kissed him back. He broke it to pull his shirt over his head before kissing me again, hands on my chest. I blushed slightly but kissed back. He closed his eyes, taking my bottom lip in between his, sucking gently.

I gently pushed him up and he bit his lip. "Okay?" He asked.

"Y-yea, I'm fine, just why did you take your shirt off?" I questioned. He smirked.

"You know why," he said, booping my nose. I blushed more and he giggled. "You blush a lot," he commented. He kissed me again and I smiled, kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck, closing my eyes. He rubbed up and down my sides, giving me another massage.

I let him, even though I was pretty ticklish on my sides. I squirmed a lot when anyone touched my sides. He stopped at the rim of my shirt, breaking the kiss to look me in the eyes.

I slowly shook my head, whimpering. He frowned and ran his hands up my shirt. "Is this okay?" He asked. I swallowed. He apparently took my silence as a no when I didn't reply, pulling away completely.

He layed beside me, arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me closer. I rested my head on his chest, tracing his tattoos. I traced down his chest and stomach to the one on his lower stomach. He watched closely, breathing shallowly.

I traced it mindlessly, not even paying attention. I stared unblinkingly, tracing around the ink repeatedly. I noticed his eyes close and I moved my hand, blushing. I smiled at Pete's sleeping form, nudging into his chest. I yawned, closing my eyes, allowing the darkness of sleep to take over.

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now