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Pete returned and Gerard handed me his phone number so we could stay in touch. We left down the road in the tour bus to the nearest restaurant. "I love this place." Andy exclaimed once we parked in the parking lot of Dakota's.

"Same!" I looked to him. "Their ribs are the best!"

"Agreeing!" Joe sang. I looked to Pete who stared out the window.

"Pete?" I grabbed his hand to get his attention. He looked to me.

"What?" He replied. I frowned, suddenly feeling hurt. I shook my head and looked down. He sighed and intertwined our fingers. "I'm sorry, I'm only hungry." He spoke.

"Well then, let's go eat." Andy spoke and we all climbed out of the tour bus and into the restaurant. We sat at a table, me and Pete on one side of the table and Andy and Joe on the other. We all talked until our orders arrived before eating.

After we ate, Pete seemed better. He kissed my cheek and neck and held my hand, I knew he was needy. I giggled at this thought. We left the restaurant after dessert and back to the hotel. As soon as we got to our room, Pete pushed me down onto the bed. "Pete," I began before he cut me off with a kiss.

We made out and he moved his hands down to his belt. "P-Pete.." I blushed.

"Y-yea?" He spoke while working on the buckle.

"S-stop.." I whimpered.

"Please..." he looked up to me, eyes pleading. I bit my lip in deep thought. He trembled, waiting for my answer.

"O-okay..." I replied. He finished off his belt, pushing his pants and underwear down. I blushed and watched him remove mine before beginning to prep me. I closed my eyes moaning as he worked me open. Afterwards he pushed my legs over his shoulders and I bit my lip hard.

"N-no lube?" I asked.

"Wanna try without? I promise I'll be gentle." He cooed. I nodded and waited for a deep, stinging pain. "I promise I won't hurt you."


I sat up awake, looking around at my surroundings. I layed naked in a basement, I realized. I began to panic, claustrophobia taking over. "You're awake. Good." I froze and looked up to see a shadowy figure in the darker shadows of my surroundings.

"W-who are you?" I questioned.

"Never mind that." I heard the smirk in their intimidating voice.

"W-where a-am I?" I asked, looking around the dark room, the only light being the circle which I layed.

"My basement. And that's all you need to know." The voice spoke up. I trembled, fear taking me over. They stepped into the little light and I became even more scared and intimidated. They looked like Pete, but their voice wasn't his. Their eyes were completely black, and in their right hand was a hatchet.

I wanted to struggle, but I couldn't. They came closer and kneeled down in front of me. "Look how pathetic." They chuckled darkly. They twirled the hatchet in their hand and I swallowed.

"L-let me go..." I whimpered out.

"No." They spat. They brought the hatchet down hard, and I yelled out in pain. I bled out from my arm, and I shook violently. The demon laughed and watched me bleed out. I gasped and cried out in pain again when I was sliced in the stomach.

I bled out and I was soon in a puddle of my own blood. I just wanted it to be over... but it seemed I wouldn't die... "P-please! Just kill me now!" I cried. The demon laughed.

"Oh no. You're not going to die. I've made you immortal, and now you will be tortured for the rest of eternity."

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now