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"I-I'm sorry.." Mikey whimpered. I bit my lip and stood.

"It's fine..." I helped him up and led him back into the living room. We sat, me beside Pete and Mikey beside Gerard. Pete held my hand, rubbing along my knuckles with his thumb.

"You okay, babe?" He asked. I nodded. We all watched Doctor Who and Impractical Jokers until it was 9:00. "Oh my God, it's late." Pete gasped, just now noticing the time. "We should get going... we don't drive too well in the dark.."

"Yea," I nodded in agreement. We stood, and hugged Gerard and Mikey.

"It was great having you here." Gerard smiled politely as I hugged him.

"It was nice being here," I replied and we pulled away.

"Visit again any time," he smiled. I smiled back at both of them.

"Will do. See ya later." Pete smiled as well before we headed out. Pete drove us home, a little aggressively to say the least... we nearly crashed at least three times. He was mad...

We arrived to the apartment and into our room. I collapsed onto the bed, fedora sliding over my face. I felt Pete's hand up my thigh and I blushed darkly as he palmed me through my jeans. "P-Pete?" I spoke, holding in moans.

"Yea?" He asked.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked as he rubbed me.

"Only making you feel good, baby." Pete replied, voice sweet but sour. I couldn't stop myself from moaning, closing my eyes and spreading my legs. "Good boy," he spoke seductively and I heard the smirk in his voice.

I let him continue and I was soon naked, being roughly thrust into. His grip on my hips hurt, tight enough to leave bruises. His thrusts hurt more than they pleasured me and I was about to ask him to stop, it being too much.

He soon came deep into me before pulling out and collapsing beside me. He layed on his side, facing away from me as he slept. I felt my eyes tear up but I stopped myself from crying. I cared about him, but I didn't like him that way anymore... and I didn't know how to tell him... and it scared me...

I woke up, tangled up in a blanket and alone. I stretched, yawning. I looked around, soon noticing a note on Pete's side of the bed-

'Went to Brendon's.'

It said simply. I frowned. Why his place? He was nice and all but I didn't know him and Pete were friends... or possibly more... yup, Pete was mad at me...

I stood and I noticed Pete forgot his phone, it being on the bed where he slept. I got up, got dressed and grabbed his phone to give to him. I drove to his house, somehow actually remembering where it was.

I stepped out of my car and headed inside. I knocked on the door and soon after Ryan answered. "Oh, hello there." He smiled. I smiled back.

"Hey. Is Pete here?" I asked politely.

"Oh, yea. Pete wentz upstairs with Brendon." He told me, giggling at his own joke and the rather popular yet cliché pun. I smiled, rolling my eyes playfully. He stepped aside and Pete's phone in my hand, I headed up stairs. I looked in all the rooms before arriving to the one at the end of the hallway.

The door was cracked open and from inside the room I could hear small pants and what sounded like moans... oh God... I pushed the door open and my eyes widened. On the bed, Pete and Brendon layed there, both naked and they both panted and moaned as Pete thrust into Brendon.

"What the fxck?!" I screamed. Pete turned to me and pulled out of Brendon, standing. I threw his phone at him, screaming. Not giving him a chance to speak, I ran out of the house and to my car. My vision blurred by tears, I climbed in, turned my car on and sped off.

I drove to Gerard's house, tears running down my face. I parked my car in the driveway, turned it off and ran up to the house. I knocked, tears running down my face and I trembled. "Hey," Gerard said when he opened the door. "Hey, you okay?" He asked gently, inviting me in. I sobbed and I noticed Mikey in the doorway.

"Patrick?!" He ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "No no no, don't cry, shh, no..." he stroked my hair, rocking me. I sobbed, I didn't know why, though... I wiped my eyes and pulled back. Mikey sat me down onto the couch and pulled me close. He stroked my hair and I swallowed.

"Shhh," he hugged me tightly. "Don't cry... don't cry..." he cooed. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead, rocking me more. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"P-Pete..." I wiped my eyes and breathed in. "P-Pete cheated on m-me..." I replied. He looked down.

"Aww, I'm sorry." He kissed my hand before hugging me again.

"I'll be back, guys. Sit with him, Mikes." Gerard told Mikey before leaving the room. Mikey held me close, stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry..." he kissed my hand again. I shook my head.

"It's fine.." I replied, looking down. Mikey kissed my cheek before pressing his soft lips to mine. I kissed him back, closing my eyes. He kissed me gently before quickly pulling away when Gerard entered.

Gerard hung his phone up then sat beside me. "So... wanna stay here? You're free to." He smiled politely.

"I'd like that." I nodded.

"And we have a guest room for you, i-"

"No!" Mikey cut his brother off. "I-I mean... he can sleep in my room. The guest room bed isn't comfy."

Gerard raised his eyebrow. "Okay..? It's his choice." He smiled at me before standing again and leaving the room once more.

I looked to Mikey. "I don't mind." I smiled. He smiled back and cheered, grabbing my hand and leading me to his room.

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now