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Hand in hand, me and Pete made our way to the dining room for dinner. In there sat Joe and Andy, on their phones. Pete giggled, sitting. I sat beside him. "What's we talking about?" Pete asked.

"Green Day," Andy replied. "And other talented bands." He added. I hummed.

"My Chem are interesting," Joe spoke. I hummed curiously.

"Why don't I remember them?" I asked, also wondering if I'm the only one that found it weird that I'm the only one that haven't met them.

"Sorry, you were sick that day." Knew it. "Did I ever tell you they wished you luck to get better?" Andy continued. I shook my head. "Oh... well they did."

I stood, leaving off to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door, biting my lip. I looked into the mirror, frowning. I hated how I looked... I'm so ugly... I kneeled down and over the toilet, shoving two fingers down my throat. I gagged, quickly removing my hand and throwing up into the toilet.

I did it again and again, but I never felt a difference... still fat and ugly... There was a knock on the door and I heard Pete's voice. "Baby? Open the door. Now." He called.

Tears rolled down my face and I forced myself to throw up again before wiping my mouth off, opening the door. Pete pushed me into the room and I looked down. He closed the door behind himself and I bit my lip.

Pete gently wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead. "No. Bad." He spoke gently. I looked back down and he stroked my hair. "Why?" He gently demanded.

"Y-you know why.." I told him. He sighed.

"You're not fat, you're adorable." He kissed my forehead and I smiled slightly, gaze still on the floor. He hugged me and I hugged him back. He pulled back and kissed me gently and I kissed him back. He tilted his head, sucking on my bottom lip. Sliding his tongue into my mouth, we both moaned lowly as we made out.

He pushed his knee in between my thighs and I gasped. "Is this okay?" He asked. I bit my lip, nodding slightly. He moved his knee around, making me moan and harden slightly. He smirked and moved his knee back and forth fast, making me moan more.

Pete soon replaced his knee with his hand and I gasped, blushing darkly. "This okay?" He asked. I nodded, whimpering. He rubbed me and I moaned more, letting my eyes fall close. While I wasn't looking, he sank to his knees and I bit my lip, trembling in anticipation.

Looking up at me, repeating the question with his eyes, he slowly worked on my belt. I watched, biting my lip harder. He got it undone and he pushed my pants down slowly, still looking up at me.

I nodded and he pushed my underwear down as well. I trembled and blushed darkly, running my fingers through his short blonde hair. I gasped when he kissed the tip, wrapping his hand around me. I bucked my hips and he took all of me into his mouth.

He sucked me off until I soon came, him swallowing it all. He stood, wiping his mouth off. I panted and he giggled. I pulled my pants up, fixing my belt back. Pete kissed me, before pulling away. "I love you," he spoke.

I smiled. "I love you too."

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now