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The door soon opened and Pete pushed me away, standing. "Woah!" Andy exclaimed. "Did we interrupt something?"

"Nope." Pete walked forward and held out his hand. Joe handed him a 20 dollar bill and Pete grinned. "Thanks you very much," he said, going to his room.

I stood, going to Andy and Joe. "What were you guys getting?" I asked them.

"Well, we needed butter and stuff for breakfast, but then he almost got us lost." Andy crossed his arms, gesturing to Joe. I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"How the heck do you get lost in town?" I questioned, holding in giggles.

"No idea." Andy shook his head. I shook my head as well, wiping my eyes from laughing. I went down the hall, slipping into Pete's room.

I stood at the doorway, looking at the floor. Pete came to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, drawing me closer. "I'm sorry for pushing you away like that. I'm not ready for them to find out." He spoke, pushing his lips against my neck.

"I-it's okay.." I replied. He rubbed my back and I closed my eyes. He massaged my shoulder, humming in my ear. He reached up, stroking my hair.

"You're too sweet," he smiled. I smiled back.

"So are you," I replied.

"Not as sweet as you, though." He grabbed my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Him being taller than me, our dance was a bit awkward, but we managed. "You ready for tour tomorrow?"

I shrugged. "Not really nervous but not confident." I replied. He nodded slightly. He slowly pulled away from me, closing his bedroom door. I sat on his comfy bed, suddenly feeling tired.

Pete sat beside me, looking down and picking at his sleeve. He pulled his long-sleeved shirt over his head and I studied his tattoos. He grabbed scissors, cutting the string from his sleeve. "So annoying," he said, throwing his shirt to the side.

He looked to me and I quickly looked to the floor. "I know you were checking me out," he smirked and I blushed. He giggled which made me blush more. "You can't deny it." He poked my cheek.

I layed down onto the comfy bed and Pete layed beside me. "Your bed is so comfy," I commented. He grinned.

"I know right," I snuggled against him, resting my head on his chest. I hummed, tracing his tattoos. He shivered and I giggled. I listened to his heart beat, continuing to trace his tattoos.

"Don't tell me you're tired," Pete stroked my hair.

"I-I am.." I yawned. He smiled, covering me up in a blanket. I curled up against him, head on his chest and my hand also rested there from where I was tracing his tattoos.

"It's only three," Pete rubbed my back comfortingly.

"So? I-I wanna sleep... I barely slept last night." I closed my eyes back, nudging into his chest. He kissed my forehead.

"I'll wake you for dinner at six, okay?" He cooed. I nodded.

I was gently shook awake by Pete. It was six already? It only felt like I slept for five minutes... I rubbed my eyes, not wanting to complain about how terrible I felt.

I fallowed Pete to the kitchen, pasta with a side of chicken and macaroni and cheese being sat on a plate in front of me. "Eat up," Pete smiled, ruffling my hair. I held in a yawn and began to eat, humming at how amazing it tasted.

I finished everything and Pete took up my plate. "You ate everything for once!" He exclaimed in a joking manner. I smiled slightly.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked, noticing he just watched me and played on his phone.

"Nah... I'm not hungry." He replied. I frowned and looked down to the table. Usually it was him eating everything and me not eating...

"You're not?" I asked. He shook his head. "For once," I joked.

"Ha ha, funny." He rolled his eyes in a way that could have been either playful or annoyed. I looked down, playing with my fingers.

"Patrick, why do you seem so off?" Joe asked. I looked up and shrugged.

"I'm not." I replied.

"Yea you are, I've noticed it as well." Andy agreed. I sighed and stood, leaving to my room. I ended up it Pete's room, curled up underneath the warmth of his blankets. I closed my eyes, waiting for Pete to arrive. All I wanted right now was to cuddle...

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now