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I exited the bathroom and to my room, sitting onto my bed. Pete soon entered the room and I looked up to him. "Hey babe - are you okay?" He asked, worried expression on his face.

"Y-yea... I'm fine.." I replied, pushing my hair from my face.

"Don't give me that shxt." He growled. He kissed my forehead and I smiled. "Did you get sick or something?" He smiled back, reassurance and sympathy.

I nodded. "Y-yea... just a little sick.." I repeated in a mumble. Pete ran a gentle hand down the side if my face.

"Will you be able to perform?" He asked. I nodded.

"Of course. My stomach just got a bit upset, is all..." I swallowed. "I'm okay..." I mumbled.

"You're mumbling a lot." Pete pointed out. "Please talk to me." He begged, grabbing my hand. I bit my lip, forcing myself not to sob pathetically. But of course, my eyes collected tears and I began to sob.

Pete held me close, rocking me and humming comfortingly. I sobbed against his chest, trembling. "Babe, no, shh... what's wrong?" He cooed, rubbing my back. I shook my head. "Obviously you're upset. Talk to me," he begged more.

I wiped my eyes, coughing slightly. "W-well... I-I didn't get sick... I-I forced myself t-to..." I sniffled, wiping at my eyes.

"Babe why?" He asked, shocked.

"B-because..." I began to sob more. "I-I'm s-so fat a-and ugly!" I sobbed harder, gripping Pete tighter.

"No... that's not true. Babe you're so beautiful." He cooed. Here it comes... "You're not fat and I love you so much. I don't give a crap what you look like and whoever ever calls you fat will get their ugly face smashed into a wall." He growled holding me tighter.

I sobbed, gripping him tightly. "I-I love you..." I whimpered.

"I love you too," he smiled. He pushed his lips to mine in a gentle kiss, grabbing the sides of my face. I grabbed his shoulder, closing my eyes. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss, catching my bottom lip with his teeth.

I pulled away and he smiled. "I'll always love you, no matter what you look like." He smiled, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, closing my eyes. I didn't say anything, just cherished these moments with my one true love...

The screams of the crowd made me more nervous. Pete hummed, fixing my hair a bit. He adjusted my fedora and smiled. "There, beautiful."

"Weird!!!!!" Joe and Andy exclaimed. I giggled and turned toward the exit.

"Time to go..." I breathed in deeply, before exhaling and going out onto stage. The others fallowed behind, getting into places. I hummed, swallowing and pushing all my anxiety deep down.

"Helloooo," I called into the microphone, smiling. The crowd screamed louder, if possible.

I wanna see your animal side
Let it all out
I wanna see the dirt
Under your skin
I need your broken promises

I want the guts and glory, baby, baby
This town is wasted and alone

But we are alive
Here in death valley
But don't take love off the table yet
'Cause tonight
It's just fire alarms and losing you
We love a lot
So we only lose a little
But we are alive (we are alive)
We are alive

I wanna see your animal side
Let it all out
Oh there you go; undress to impress
You can wear the crown but you're no princess

So put the "D" in "dirt" now, baby, baby
Let's get you wasted and alone

'Cause we are alive,
Here in death valley
But don't take love off the table yet
'Cause tonight
It's just fire alarms and losing you
We love a lot
So, we only lose a little
We are alive (we are alive)
We are alive

We're gonna die
It's just a matter of time
Hard times come
Good times go
I'm either gone in an instant
Or here 'til the bitter end
I, I never know
What I've got will make you feel more alive
I'll be your favorite drug, I will get you high
I will get you high

We're still,
We are alive,
Here in death valley
But don't take love off the table yet
'Cause tonight
It's just fire alarms and losing you
We love a lot
So, we only lose a little
But we are alive (we are alive)
We are alive

I sang out the last words, holding onto the microphone. Just after, I began to sing Save Rock and Roll. Pete ran around the stage and I stopped myself from giggling.

After our few songs, Panic! began to play The Ballad of Mona Lisa. I listened in, humming along. It was one of my favourites from them. They played a few more songs, before the concert was finished.

Both my band and Panic! hung out in our tour bus, us all talking about our days and weird/funny things that have happened. Brendon and Ryan talked about their relationship and I smiled, holding Pete's hand. It was a fun day. Hopefully the rest of the week will be just as easy...

Okay, I apologise for not knowing anything about two bands touring together. Never experienced it, so don't judge XD. So if you're reading, enjoy!!!

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now