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I wasn't ready. But I had no other choice. I needed them safe. Mikey straddled my lap and small moans escaped his lips as I kissed his neck. He tilted his head back, giving me more access. I held his lower thighs so he didn't slip from my lap and his arms were wrapped around my neck.

I kissed down his collar bone and back up the side of his neck to his lips. He kissed me back, deepening the kiss. "I love you, Patrick..." he mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too." I smiled into our kiss and we made out. I held his face and he kissed me deeply. He broke it and giggled, blushing.

"Patrick I'm hungry." He giggled. I giggled too.

"Come on, let's go eat." I led him to the kitchen and he grabbed what he wanted. It hurt to see him eat the way he did. He always ate quickly, like he was starved to death. Like if he didn't eat fast enough it would be taken from him. "Hey, Mikes, relax." I cooed, placing my hand onto his shoulder. "Eat as much as you need, no one is gonna take it."

He ate and I watched. When he tried to share with me I refused. I didn't want to eat his food. He needed it more than I did. He finished eating and I smiled at him. He grabbed my hand and I intertwined our fingers. "Mikes?" We looked up to see Gerard.

"Yes Gee?" Mikey asked him, releasing my hand and grabbing his brother's hand.

"Can we talk?" He asked gently. Mikey nodded and kissed my hand before following Gerard into the other room. I sat at the table and listened in on their conversation. "Mikey... do you love Patrick?"

"Yes!" Mikey answered immediately before Gerard had finished the question. I smiled and looked down.

"How far would you let him go?" I heard Gerard and I felt my face heat up.

"A-all the w-way... b-but n-not yet..." Mikey told him.

"Okay Mikes. I only want you safe and to make the right choices." Gerard told him softly.

"I will Gee." Mikey hugged Gerard before entering the room. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He sat on my lap giggling and he nudged into my chest. "I love you, Patrick." He spoke which was muffled.

"I love you too, Mikes." I replied, stroking his hair. His breaths slowed to more gentle inhales, his head on my chest as he slept. I kissed his forehead and layed down with him on top of me to a more comfortable position. I grabbed a blanket and covering us both, the room chilly.

I hummed gently to him before I yawned and suddenly felt tired. I layed my head on a pillow and closed my eyes, ready to sleep. Mikey whimpered and I opened my eyes, looking at him. He hadn't woke yet, he was dreaming. He gripped my shoulders and whimpered, his eyes squeezing close and his breaths speeding up.

"Babe?" I asked gently, shaking his shoulder carefully. "Baby," I kissed his lips gently and his eyes shot open, tears invading them. "Hey, shh, it's just me." I cooed to him. He sobbed and I held him. "Baby what's wrong?"

"I-I had a-a nightmare... w-where h-he forced m-me and G-Gee t-to..." he broke into note sobs and I held him closer, wrapping the blanket around him tighter.

"Pete?" I asked in a whisper. He nodded. I hummed to him in attempt to keep him calm. "I'm sorry babe... that won't happen." He nodded again. "I promise... I'll keep you safe. Both of you."

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now