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One more day, I told myself. I was excited to see My Chem, and today was Green Day. I loved them, but I was just too excited for tomorrow. I layed in my room, half asleep. It was around 9:00 in the mourning, and Pete layed beside me, asleep.

I cuddled into him, trying to fall back to sleep. He groaned tiredly, pulling me closer. I smiled, burying my face into his chest. "P-Pete?" I whispered, seeing if he was awake.

"Y-yea?" He groaned out.

"I-I can't sleep.." I sighed, pulling him closer. He moved his lower half away, moving his hands down to his pajama bottoms. "P-Pete... no.." I half whimpered half laughed.

"Oh," he moved his hands back up, wrapping them back around me. I smiled, closing my eyes back. But I couldn't sleep. I curled up and Pete rubbed my back. "You okay babe?" He yawned. I chewed my lip.

"I-I don't know... just not tired and I'm bored.." I replied. He giggled sleepily.

"Aww," he buried his face into my neck. I smiled and sat up.

"I'm so bored," I stretched.

"Now I'm awake and bored. Thanks." He punched my shoulder playfully. I hummed.

"Welcome," I kissed his cheek and layed back down, now wide awake. Pete moved and straddled my hips, leaning down and kissing me before I could protest. I wrapped my arms around his neck, closing my eyes and kissing him back.

I grabbed the sides of his face and he tilted his head, deepening the kiss. He broke the kiss and I smiled up at him. He smiled back. "I love you so much," I smiled, running my thumb along his cheek bones.

"I love you too," He said sweetly. I pulled him down for another kiss, quickly pulling away. "You're okay," he cooed. He slid his hand up my shirt, rubbing my chest. "Just relax," he spoke softly. My chest cramped horribly, and I couldn't inhale without it hurting like Hell.

I breathed in rapid, shallow pants to refrain from it hurting. He continued to rub my chest, which helped it a bit. He layed me on my side and I breathed in relief. "You good now?" He asked. I nodded. He kept his hand up my shirt for a moment and I blushed darkly at our position. I was practically on my hands and knees and he knelt behind me, hand up my shirt.

Pete pulled his hand out and I turned, sitting in front of him. I blushed and Pete looked down. "Sorry babe," he murmured. I bit my lip.

"I-it's okay.." I replied. Pete nodded slightly. I kissed his cheek and he smiled. I smiled back. I nudged into his bare chest and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. I pulled away and stretched, yawning. "I'm tired again.." I said. Pete smiled.

"Okay babe. It's only 9:30. You'll be woke."

I was awoke from my frightening dream to look up and see Andy. "Time to get up." He told me. I nodded and sat up, rubbing my eyes. Where was Pete? I got up and stumbled into the kitchen to see Andy and Joe sat, eating breakfast.

"Where's Pete?" I asked.

"Shower," Andy replied.

"Oh," I looked down before sitting at the table.

"You gonna eat?" Joe asked me. I bit my lip.

"O-oh... n-no, I'm not hungry.." I replied.

"Yea you are," I looked to the doorway to see Pete. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and was shirtless. Andy and Joe covered their eyes groaning loudly.

"Put clothes onnnn," Joe whined. Pete winked at me before leaving to his room. I blushed and looked to the table. I loved him so much.

Hello, I would like to apologise that this may be a bit boring, but it'll start to go downhill in a couple if chapters, enjoy!!!

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now