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"What are we going to do? If he's after us?" Gerard asked, worry in his voice.

"I really don't know..." I bit my lip. "Just I hope we're safe here. He'll be after all of us.." I replied.

"Why all of us?"

"Because. He wants me and Mikey is suppose to be dead... and I think he said he was going to kidnap you from the hospital." I whimpered and I felt Mikey sink down to the couch. "Aww Mikes, no I'm sorry. He won't get either of you." I cooed, stroking his hair and holding him in my lap.

"Well... we can't hide here forever." Gerard spoke, his voice and face firm.

"What else can we do really?" I looked up to him.

"Give Pete what he wants. Maybe he wants this to be a kill or be killed situation." Gerard ruffled Mikey's hair. I looked down.

"What about the band?"

"What about us? We can't die, and your band will go out either way, so will ours." He sighed and sat. "I really don't know..."

"W-we could... we could get him before he gets us..." Mikey suggested in a small voice. I bit my lip. It could actually work...

"Yea, but what after we get him?" I asked him gently.

"Call the police, and keep him where he won't get away." Mikey looked to me then his brother with big brown proud, hopeful eyes.

"That could actually work. Just how will we get him?" Gerard asked, hope yet doubt in his voice. I bit my lip. I didn't want to, but if it would save us...

"I-I can call him over, you two can hide, and I can get him drunk out of his mind to where he passes out. It is risky, telling him where we're hiding and all, but it might just work." I told the two. "You two just hide out until he's out."

"B-but what if he h-hurts y-you?" Mikey whimpered.

I shook my head. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I told them. Though I didn't believe it. No, I knew I was in danger. We all were. But as long as they were safe, I didn't care.

My eyes fluttered open to see Mikey beside me, sleeping. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He stirred slightly and buried his face into my chest. "I-I love you, P-Pat..." he mumbled sleepily. I smiled.

I heard the bedroom door creak open and I looked up to see Gerard. My eyes widened slightly and I looked him in the eyes, full of happiness and a hint of anger. "I-I'm sorry..." I whimpered.

"We need to talk." He mouthed to me before leaving the room. I sighed and looked down to Mikey who stared back up at me.

"I-is Gee m-mad at m-me?" He whimpered.

"No, but I think he's mad at me.." I cooed stroking his hair. He nudged into my chest I smiled, kissing his forehead. I sat up and he looked up at me, sitting up slightly.

"D-don't leave..." he whimpered.

"Shh," I kissed his lips softly. "I need to talk to Gee." I sang him back to sleep before standing and heading to the living room.

"Stump." Gerard spoke. I looked up to him. "Where's Mikey?" He asked stepping closer.

"A-asleep," I replied. He smiled, no anger visible in his features. Happiness and excitement if anything.

"So... I need to ask you a couple of things." He sat and gestured for me to sit beside him. I obeyed, sitting down cautiously.

"Okay," I spoke in agreement. I wanted him to know. I didn't like keeping this from him. Even though I didn't know if we were officially together, I still wanted him to know. It would take this weight off my chest.

"First off... are you dating my brother?" He asked, anger in his eyes, but there was still that happiness and excitement.

"W-well... I-I don't know if we're really... an official thing yet." I replied looking to the floor.

"Patrick look at me." My gaze immediately met his. "Please, I'm not mad. A bit that you didn't tell me earlier and because I'm protective over him. Too protective and if you ever hurt him I swear." His voice transitioned into a growl as he spoke.

"No! I would never hurt him!" I rose my voice. "I would never forgive myself if it was on accident!"

"Okay okay, good. But as I was saying, if anything you two are adorable. But that leads to this other thing I gotta ask." I nodded, waiting. "How... how to say it... How far have you took him?"

"A-as in?" I felt my face heat up.

"As in sex."

"No! No, I don't want to rush him or hurt him! No, no not yet, no."

"Would you take him..?"

I bit my lip, blushing. "Y-yea I-I would... b-but only when he's ready." Gerard nodded.

"Good. You're a really good person, Patrick." He smiled in honesty. I smiled back.

"T-thank you, and so are you. I'm so glad you're so understanding."

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now