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Pete layed on the bed, out cold. Tears running down my face, I struggled up and pulled my clothes on. I limped out of the house, to the park and into the woods to my cabin. I had to check on Mikey.

I knocked on the door, remembering I had locked it. "Mikey?" I called. I heard faint shuffling before a whimper.

"P-Patrick..?" Mikey's voice filled my ears and I smiled widely.

"Baby open the door," I told him. The door soon opened after I heard him undo the locks. I embraced him tightly, closing the door behind me and fixing all the locks. "I'm so glad you're okay!" I hugged his small frame tightly.

"Same to you!" He hugged me back.

"Did you eat good?" I asked him. He nodded. "Good." I pulled back and kissed him gently. He smiled into the kiss, kissing me back.

"I love you, Patrick." He mumbled between kisses. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer.

"I love you too," I replied, kissing his lips again. We made out passionately, his hands in my hair and my arms around him. I tilted my head, kissing him deeper and pulling him impossibly closer.

Mikey pressed against me, arms around my neck as we made out. I broke the kiss and sat on the sofa, Mikey in my lap. "I love you, Patrick." He spoke, nuzzling into my chest.

"I love you too," I replied. "But baby, we need to go pick up Gee before Pete wakes up. He will come looking for me." I finished gently. He nodded.

At the hospital, I led Mikey down the hall to the room the operator told me Gerard was in. Holding my hand, Mikey entered the room and gasped. "Gee!" He exclaimed, running in and hugging his brother tightly. I smiled. "Gee, come on! We need to go!" He pulled his brother up, leading him down the hallway. I followed.

"Why? What's wrong, Mikey?" Gerard questioned, confused.

"We'll explain later. We need to hurry." I told him, leading the brothers out to the car. We climbed in, me in the drivers and Gerard and Mikey in the back together.

I drove down the road through the park, turning down the gravel road through the woods. We arrived to my cabin and Gerard looked confused. "Where are we?" He asked.

I didn't reply, not yet. We hurried inside the cabin, locking the door behind myself, doing all the locks. "Explain." Gerard ordered.

"Pete's insane." I spoke.

"... What?" Gerard asked confused.

"He is. He locked me and Mikey in his basement, telling him to starve to death. I helped him fake his death to bring Mikey here, for safety. But I went back... I needed to. I left for the second and hopefully last time, after..." my voice trailed off.

"A-after what?" Gerard asked, eyes wide in disbelief. I sighed.

"H-he... he practically r-raped me... b-but he used a-a knife..." I whimpered looking at the floor. Gerard and Mikey both hugged me. And I needed it...

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now