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Mikey screamed out my name and I gasped as the window broke, glass shards flying. I pulled Mikey to the side protectively as the few pieces of glass were broke off the wood of the window seal and a man stepped through.

I stood, pulling Mikey up and both our eyes went wide when we noticed he was Pete, crowbar in his hand. "P-Pete? W-what are you doing?" I whimpered out, holding shaking Mikey in my own trembling arms. Pete smirked, evil glint in his eyes.

"I'm here to take what's mine." He growled. My eyes went wider.

"I'm not yours! I'm not anybody's!" I shouted.

"Shut up!" Pete screamed, smashing the crowbar into the wall making both me and Mikey jump back and I fell silent. "I'm going to get you, and no one is going to stop me." He growled.

"G-get out of my house, Pete!" Mikey yelled. That set Pete into motion, him dodging towards Mikey, swinging the crowbar towards his head.

"Stop!" I screamed at Pete, pushing him back. His head slammed into the glass coffee table and I grabbed Mikey's wrist, running out of the room. He led me down into the basement, locking the door behind himself. We hid behind large boxes, breathing hard but silently.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." I heard Pete singing, insanity visible in his voice. I held Mikey close to me, but he wouldn't stop whimpering. I sighed in panic before smashing my lips to his.

Mikey kissed me back, relaxing against me. I wrapped my arm around his waist, holding him close. He grabbed the sides of my face, tilting his head. Pete began kicking the door, calling out my name. "Patrick! Patrick come to me baby!"

Mikey curled into me, breathing fast. I rubbed his back soothingly, humming to him gently. "Patrick baby! Come home with me, I miss you!" Pete called, taking the crowbar to the door.

Mikey hyperventilated, gripping my arm. I kissed him again to keep him from making any noise, kissing him deep. He slid onto my lap, melting under my gentle touch. I broke it and he shook. "W-what are we g-gonna d-do?" He whimpered. I bit my lip.

"I honestly don't know..." I whispered. I stroked his hair, humming and cooing gentle words to him.

"I-is he gone?" He asked.

"I-I don't know..." I stood and warily went to the door, trying to open it but it wouldn't budge. I tried to get it open, pushing at it hard. On the other side of the door I heard Pete's insane laughs.

"Now you can stay!" He laughed. "Patrick, you stay alive. The other starve to death and tell me when he's dead." He growled before I heard the fading sound of footsteps. I looked to Mikey and helped him up.

"No, I won't let that happen." I hugged him, rubbing his back.

"W-what if he gets us?" He whimpered, worry all over his face.

"Shh, don't worry. He won't."


"He won't..."

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now