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I was shook awake with a shirtless Pete smiling down at me. "Wakey wakey, my angel." He spoke. I smiled sleepily. I had a slight headache, but I wouldn't let that ruin this. I sat up, stretching and yawning. "Come on, it's 4:15." He spoke rubbing my arm. I nodded.

I got up, pulling on nice clothes then brushing my teeth. Pete stood behind me, arms around my waist and his hips pressed against mine. "I love you," he cooed.

"I love you too," I smiled. I adjusted my fedora before turning, body pressed against Pete's, me being pinned. He smiled and kissed me, arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tilting my head.

I placed my hands onto his chest, pushing him away gently. "You okay?" He asked, rubbing the small of my back with his thumb. I nodded.

"Yup," I placed a kiss onto his collarbone. "It's just 4:45." I added.

"Okay." He kissed my nose and I smiled. "Lets go," he grabbed my hand and led me outside to his car. Pete put the address into the GPS and we soon arrived to Gerard and Mikey's house. We climbed out of the car and hand in hand, me and Pete walked up to the door.

I knocked and a few moments later the door opened to Gerard. "Oh - hello! I forgot all about you two coming over!" He exclaimed. "Come on in," he moved to the side so me and Pete could enter. We sat in the living room on the sofa while Gerard fetched his brother.

Mikey and Gerard soon entered, Ray fallowing. "Patrick!" Mikey exclaimed, hugging me tightly. He hugged Pete as well, humming. "I'm glad you guys could come... I've been bored." He smiled. I smiled back, as well as Pete.

"Same, and same." I replied.

"Dinner will be done in about a half hour." Gerard spoke. Mikey sat in Ray's lap, giggling about his hair. Me and Pete smiled at the two.

"I'm so in love with their relationship," Pete smiled. Mikey blushed and I giggled.

"Aww," I smiled. Pete held my hand and I hummed, intertwining our fingers. I stared down at our hands before resting my head onto his shoulder. I sighed.

"You okay?" Pete asked me. I nodded, staring at the floor. But I wasn't... I felt terrible. I felt bad because I knew I felt a stronger feeling for Mikey than I did for Pete. I think I don't like him as much as I used to... but I don't know how to tell him without hurting him...

I stared at the floor before the show on tv ended, signaling that dinner was ready. We all ate, dinner being ham and cheese sandwiches along with tuna and whipped cream for Gerard. Pete held my hand, our joined hands on his thigh.

After eating, Mikey hugged Ray goodbye and tears were visible in his eyes. "Awww," I smiled widely at his adorableness. He blushed and Ray left and Mikey left to his room. I looked to Gerard. "Is he coming back?" I asked.

"Possibly," Gerard replied. When he didn't return, I bit my lip.

"Erm.." I began awkwardly. "Should I go check on him..?" I asked. Gerard nodded. I smiled politely and stood, heading down the hallway. I stopped in front of a door, which sobbing was heard from inside. I knocked, now frowning. "Mikey?" I called.

"Y-yea?" He replied after a silence.

"Can I come in?"

"O-okay.." I opened the door to Mikey wiping at his eyes.

"Aww, no, don't cry. What's wrong?" I sat beside him.

He began to sob more, trembling. "R-Ray..." he choked out. I bit my lip.

"Ray did what?" I asked.

"H-he broke u-up w-with me.." he sobbed. I awkwardly hugged him.

"I'm so sorry," I cooed, rubbing his back. He sobbed into my chest and I frowned, hugging him. "Why?" I asked gently. He shrugged slightly, pulling back and wiping at his eyes.

"I-I don't know.." he whimpered. He grabbed my hand and I bit my lip.

"I'm sorry," I said again. He bit his lip.

"I-it's okay... it's not your doing.." he choked out. He sat extremely close, invading my personal space but I didn't want to say anything, afraid I'd hurt him even more. He leaned in close and I blushed, so did he.

"M-Mikey.." I whispered, trembling slightly. He shook violently as he kissed my lips, eyes closed and hands on the sides of my face. As we kissed, I felt eyes on us...

With my peripheral vision, I noticed Pete at the doorway. My eyes wide, I pulled away from Mikey. I looked to the doorway, but no one was in sight... I know I saw him, and I know this was the end...

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now