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I slept peacefully, for once, in Pete's arms. I slowly woke and to notice we were both naked underneath the blankets. My eyes went wide and I slid under the blankets more so I was covered up to my neck.

Pete stirred awake and I looked up to him. He smiled sleepily. "Mourning babe," he kissed my forehead.

"M-mourning," I replied, blushing. I tried to move but I gasped, sore.

"Sore?" Pete giggled. I whimpered and nodded. "So am I," he winced and I buried my face into his chest. "Wanna take a warm bath with me?" He asked in a low, seductive whisper. I nodded. A hot bath should help..

We got up and left to the bathroom. I had my arms wrapped around me and I stared at the floor as Pete adjusted the water for the right temperature. The bathtub slowly filled and Pete snaked his arms around my waist.

"Come on, babe." He smiled once the tub was filled. Blushing darkly, I lowered myself into the tub, Pete fallowing in after. I winced and Pete hummed. He intertwined his legs with my own and I smiled. "I love you,"

"I love you too," I smiled more. We both sat in the water, letting our muscles relax. I closed my eyes while Pete washed his hair. He also washed mine and I giggled.

"Hold your breath," he warned before pushing my head under water to rinse my hair out. I trembled, not able to hold it any longer. I raised up and gasped for air. Pete giggled. "You're so adorable," he kissed my cheek.

"So are you," I smiled. He smiled back. He stood to wash his body in which I splashed him. He did the same to me before we got out, grabbing a towel. I dried off before pulling on my clothes and pulling the plug on the tub.

I blushed when Pete didn't get dressed. "Are you going to put clothes on?" I giggled. "Unless you're waiting for something you aren't getting." I winked.

"Maybe I am," he smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Later," I promised him, kissing his cheek. He got dressed while playfully glaring at me. I smiled innocently before leaving the room to my own room. I suddenly felt sick and I layed down.

Pete entered and sat beside me. "You okay babe?" He asked concerned. I shook my head and Pete rubbed my back. "What's wrong?"

"I-I feel sick.." I replied. He kissed my forehead.

"But today is My Chem, you can't miss it." He frowned.

"I-I know.." I whimpered. He pulled me closer and I smiled slightly, holding his hand. He intertwined our fingers.

"Wanna cuddle? You can take a nap, I'll wake you." Pete smiled. I smiled back and nodded.

"I'd like that. A lot." I replied. He pushed me down onto the bed and layed beside me, holding me close. I smiled, burying my face into his chest. He rubbed my back and I smiled, shivering.

Pete covered both of us up with a blanket and I shoved my face further into his chest. "Sleep babe, it's still early." he cooed. I yawned and nodded, curling up and soon falling asleep.

Pete woke me and I whimpered, shoving my face into the pillow. "Babe, come on. We have about an hour," he begged, rubbing my back. I rolled onto my back and sat up, wincing and reaching up for my head. "Are you okay?" Pete asked, sitting beside me and pulling me onto his lap.

"I-I have a h-headache.." I whimpered.

"Aww, no." He stroked my hair and kissed my head. "Wait here," he layed me beside him and left the room, returning with a small pill. "This should help." He smiled. I took the pill and rested my head back on his chest. He stroked my hair. "It'll take a minute, though."

My headache slowly disappeared and I fallowed Pete out of the room. He sat a plate of pancakes in front of me when I sat, handing me a fork. I stared at the food, biting my lip. "Eat babe," Pete whispered to me, arm around me.

I hesitantly began to eat, eating all the pancakes. Pete smiled and took up my plate, putting it in the sink. "Once Andy gets from the shower, we're ready." Joe said as he entered the room. I nodded.

"You feeling better?" Pete asked me.

"A-a little.." I replied.

"Why? What happened?" Joe questioned.

"He had a headache." Pete replied.

"Oh, hopefully you get better. You can't miss My Chem!" He exclaimed.

"I won't." I replied.

Andy got out of the shower and we as all left to wherever Andy said My Chem played. We arrived there and got out of our tour bus. "Hey," I greeted the guy who stood by the door smoking.

"Hello there," he smiled.

"That's Frank Iero, Patrick." Pete told me.

"Yea, I'm Frank Iero." The guy, Frank, replied. I nodded.

"I'm sorry, I've never met you guys..." I looked down, embarrassed.

"It's all good." He smiled sweetly. "So I'm guessing you should meet the rest of the band." He hummed. I nodded and fallowed him inside where the rest of his band waited. I looked at all of them and my heart skipped a beat.

Frank introduced me to Ray, Gerard, Bob and... Mikey... He was beautiful...

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now