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Pete managed to get the crowbar and I sobbed. "Don't kill us! Please!" I begged. Pete smirked.

"Okay, I won't. Only one thing." he began. This can't be good... "You come with me, and do what I say. You disobey me and he's dead." I nodded, me and Gerard hugging tightly.

Pete forced us both out the door and into his car. He drove us to his house, pushing us inside and to his room. "Sit." He ordered Gerard, forcing him down into a chair. He cuffed him to it, forcing cloth into his mouth and tying it at the back of his head.

I looked at him apologetically. I hated how Pete was treating him, but I feared he'd do worse to him. I didn't care what happened to me. I just wanted Gerard to be safe...

Pete forced me onto my knees once he got his belt undone and I blushed darkly. "Suck, you slut." He ordered, shoving himself into my mouth. "And you bite me and he dies." He added. I gave him what he wanted, deep throating him. His moans filled the room and Gerard refused to watch.

Once Pete came I swallowed and pulled away. "Patrick I'm hungry." He told me. I stood and exited the room, going to the kitchen. I made him sandwiches, taking them to him. He ate and I comforted Gerard.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him. He looked up at me, eyes begging. I turned to Pete. "He's hungry." I told him. He looked to me.

"He doesn't eat tonight." He said, finishing his sandwich.

"Why?" I growled.

"That's why." He glared. I sighed and sat. He came over to me and sat beside me, patting his lap. I sighed again and curled up into his side. He stroked my hair a bit roughly, pulling it slightly making me whimper. "You like that?" He smirked.

"N-no.." I winced when he did it again.

"I told you you were mine." He smirked. I couldn't take it. I tried to fight back when he tried to get me onto the bed and straddle my hips. I fell to the floor and he kicked me in the chest.

"You're insane! Let us go!" I screamed.

"The only escape is death so make up your mind!" He screamed and I flinched back. I began to sob, feeling myself breaking. I couldn't take it. I missed the old Pete as my friend. I missed Mikey... "Stop crying," Pete spoke, trying to make his voice soft. He grabbed my face, but I pulled away.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed. He growled.

"I will if I want to." He went to the door and I watched as he left, closing the door and the room went black.

I felt blood run down my temple and to my jaw, in which Pete smeared across my lips. I was hungry, starving even.

But I didn't want to eat. Not that he'd give me food even if I did. And I wasn't going to eat in front of Gerard. My breaths came out ragged, my voice broken from crying.

The room was cold and I shivered violently. I wanted this to end, though I had a feeling it wouldn't. I had a sick twisted feeling that we'd be in this room forever. That we'd never be freed... never see any other person... Never see the light of day again...

"You need to eat." Pete said, pushing a sandwich to my mouth. I didn't open though. If he wanted me here forever, I wasn't going to live to see this terrible room for much longer. "Patrick..." he begged. Then I got an idea.

"Not until you feed him." I said firmly, gesturing to Gerard. He lay motionlessly and bloody on the floor, blood running from his mouth from possible internal bleeding. "A-and be easy with him.."

"Fine." Pete growled. He went to Gerard and lifted his head, pushing a part of the sandwich into his mouth. He ate, chewing slowly. He soon ate faster, moaning at the taste. Once the sandwich was gone, Pete turned to me. I looked to Gerard who mouthed 'thank you'. I nodded.

"Now you," Pete picked up another sandwich, handing it to me. I ate, watching Gerard to make sure he wasn't still hungry or wanted more.

"I-I'm thirsty," I told him. He handed me a bottle of water which I drank, giving Gerard a drink as well. I held Gerard, my arm around his shoulders.

Pete left the room, closing and most likely locking the door. I sat with Gerard, feeding him the last sandwich Pete left for me. He coughed, coughing up blood. "Gee - what happened? Are you okay?" I asked, worried. He only shrugged. I bit my lip, stroking his hair.

I knew we wouldn't be freed any time soon. Obviously not. I started to doze off when I heard a weird noise. I looked up and my eyes widened. In the corner of the room stood Mikey. How?! He was dead! Then I soon realized once I saw what was behind him...

Mikey was an angel. From Heaven. "You're safe now."

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now