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I heard hushed voices and I listened in, keeping my eyes closed. "Mikey, what the hxll?!" I heard one speak. I knew it was Gerard.

"I-I'm s-sorry, G-Gee... I-I had a-a nightmare..." the other, most likely Mikey, whimpered. Gerard sighed.

"You could have slept in my room. You normally would."

"I-I'm sorry, Gee.." Mikey whimpered again. Gerard sighed again.

"It's fine." He said before leaving the room, I guessed from the fading sound of footsteps. I slowly opened my eyes to view Mikey beside me on the bed, staring at the floor. He looked to me and smiled, reaching for my hair.

"You're awake," he smiled, before beginning to frown. "I'm sorry we woke you.." he looked down.

"It's okay," I smiled reassuringly. He stroked my hair, pushing it back and running his fingers through it.

"I love your hair lots." He spoke, continuing to pet me. I only giggled, at a loss of words. How could I reply? He continued to pet my hair, smiling. "It's so amazing." He continued, awe in his voice.

He leaned in and kissed my lips and I let him. He distracted me from thinking of Pete and all he did. He may have caught me kissing Mikey, but I caught him doing worst things with Brendon.

Mikey broke the kiss and cuddled into me, trembling. "I-I'm sorry," he whimpered.

"It's okay," I replied, holding one of his shaking hands. He hesitantly laced his fingers with mine and I squeezed his hand. All of a sudden, Mikey jerked away, looking at the tv and giggling at the show. Gerard entered the room and I looked from the tv to him.

"Mikey?" Gerard spoke to get his brother's attention.

"Yes Gee?" Mikey looked up to Gerard.

"Do you mind running out to the store for me? I would but I feel like I could throw up any second."

"Okay, Gee." Mikey hugged Gerard before smiling at me. "Can Patrick come too?"

"Of course," Gerard smiled at me. "Just try to hurry back, okay? Stay safe." He kissed Mikey's forehead and I smiled. Gerard handed Mikey his car keys who led me out of the house and to the car. We drove to the supermarket and Mikey pulled into the parking lot, turning to me and smiling.

I stepped out of the car and so did Mikey before we entered the store. We browsed food sections that Mikey needed food from, getting what he needed. As we looked through the cereals, I felt something touch my hand. I looked down to see Mikey slowly grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers together. I looked up to him and he smiled.

After getting everything he needed, we payed for it all and headed out to his car. Putting the bagged groceries into the trunk, Mikey turned to me and kissed my lips quickly, holding both my hands. I giggled at this.

As we were climbing into the car, I paused, having the strangest feeling of being watched. I looked around and behind the store where the lights casted shadows, I saw a black figure in said darkness. I froze, eyes wide. I stared, trying to find out if it was real or just an illusion.

"Patrick?" I snapped out of my daze and looked to Mikey. "Are you okay?" He asked, concern in his voice.

"Y-yea... just..." I looked back to the shadows and the figure was gone. Not a soul in sight. My eyes got wider and Mikey led me into his car.

"It's okay... you're only tired." He hugged me before I climbed into my seat. He drove us home and I stared out the window, thinking...

Deceitful Words and Broken Promises {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now