Chapter 1

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As a human who knew everything about werewolves, my life was crazy. It didn't help that my dad was the best werewolf warrior out there. Other than the king himself, he was the greatest.

I know your wondering how I'm human and he's werewolf. Well you see, my father is 500 or so years old. He has had 3 mates in that time. I'm his only child. Don't ask I don't know how.

My mother his third Mate, was human. And I got that trait, or whatever and not the werewolf gene.

Well we don't know that for sure, but me being 17 and no wolf, we kind of just assumed I wasn't werewolf. Most werewolves turned in between the ages of 12 -15, and yeah sure maybe I just haven't turned and I'm a late bloomer, but it's not likely.

Anyways. We were moving again. We did this often, which was good for me, reasons told at a later date. But my dad on the other hand, went and trained new, upcoming, soon-to- be, alphas.

He also helped the packs in whatever types of problems they were having. Most in the form of rouges.


Packing up my room was one thing. There wasn't much to my room. A few posters up on the walls, a desk that was always kept in perfect condition. A dresser full of clothes and a couple of books on my shelf. I made a travel bag that held a few pairs of clothes, a blanket and pillow, as well as my favorite stuff animal. One that I've had since I was a little girl.

Like I said, not much.

Dad on the other hand was a very disorganized man. Which it's very hard to believe that he can find anything in the mess that he calls a room. And don't even get me started on what his office looks like.

I don't know how he can deal with pack issues in his disorganized mess. I tried to help him once by organising for him. That lasted maybe 3 days tops.

So I've been skipping school for the past couple of days so that I can get everything packet. There's no way that dad can get all his stuff packet and leave in two days.

That's what he gets for traveling pack to pack as if he's someone important in the werewolf community.

....... oh yeah.......


We've been driving for 7 hours. Another 8 to go.

The radio playing softly in the background as I'm driving behind my dad, who just so happens to be going so slow that I'm tempted to zoom by him and find the damn house all by myself.

There is such thing as GPS for a reason. Just as I pull into the lane next to me, my dad puts his blinker on to get off the exit.

I had to jump 3 lanes in order to make the exit. Of course he would do something like that as soon as I get annoyed enough to just go around him. I'm so glad there's no one on the road at 2 am.

He pulls over to a gas station to refill his gas tank. I pull into the pump behind him and go inside the store.

While in there I get all of the snacks that I know I'll eat all of in the next 3 hours on out drive to this new house. Which the moving van is most likely already at. And have already left, saying as how it's 2 am.-_-

When I get all of my snacks and the stuff that I know my dad would want I walk back outside. My dad is just finishing putting gas in my car when I get back.

We didn't talk. We didn't really interact with each other. All he did was grab the snacks that were his then got into the car. I did the same.

6 1/2 hours later

Pulling into the driveway I parked on the left side, and dad pulled into the space next to me. Walking up to the door, not even worrying about the stuff in the cars, he goes and unlocks the door to our new house.

I grab my sleeping bag and book bag and head inside after him. Only after I make sure both cars are fully locked up.

I walked into the room that will eventually be the living room and set my bag down. Thinking about where everything will go, creating the space the way I want it in my head.

Knowing dad, he'll be in the house tomorrow when the moving van actually gets here (they went to the location where they keep the cars and left all of our stuff there.) But the next day was a different thing. Dad would be going to get everything organized and situated with the current person in charge. Which is hard to believe because of how messy he is. He needed to know what was wrong in this sunny state.

And I was to get stuff for school in the next 3 days, for come Monday, I would have to attend Carter Smith high school. (CSHS). Which means that I will need supplies. Great.

"So I won't be here all day tomorrow. You'll have to get the moving people to put all the stuff in the right place." Just the cherry on the fucked top part of this week.

"Ok." Was all I replied.

I walk up to what would soon be my room, throw the sleeping bag on the floor.

"It's going to be a long day tomorrow, Mr. Squiggle's" I tell the stuffed animal in my hands.

I was laying there in the clothes that I had on during the drive up here, which were a pair of pj's bottoms and a superman t-shirt, wrapped up in a power Rangers blanket, and a pillow with a care bear cover, just staring at the ceiling knowing I won't be able to fall asleep. At least I wouldn't be asleep for long if I do manage to pass out.

5 hours later.

Getting up it was 9 am. I had no sleep, every time I close my eyes it's another thing jumping at me. Something else trying to kill me.

So I was tired, like really tired.

And I still had to deal with people. Wonderful.

The moving truck was supposed to be here at about 10. Which means they won't get here until about noon. I had at most 3 hours to spare.

And with all that time to spare, I grab my fully charged cell phone and pull up my Pandora. I grabbed a book from my bag, one I started before we left for the 9 hour drive down here. Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige. So far it was great. I had stopped reading at chapter 5.

Dragging my sleeping bag down the stairs. I lay in the living room waiting for the moving people to arrive. I threw my headphones into my ears and laid down on my sleeping bag. Book in hand I started reading.

A 10 hour drive, lack of sleep and soon to be a day dealing with movers. This sounds super fun.

Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige is a actual book and is a must read.

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