Chapter 47

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I have updated chapters 46- 48, so please make sure you're on the right chapter. Other wise things will get very confusing very quickly.



Four months later.

There was a tug. I could feel it in my head, some force telling me that something was wrong. That something was missing. Whatever it was, it always seemed to come out of nowhere. When I'm not thinking of anything in particular, just going about my day.

Kiser was still working. He's been working at this construction site for 3 months now, all I've been doing was reading and watching Netflix.

Far too much dust for my liking, so outside was a no go. Instead we were staying at home for this one. It was close, ish.

After the first site, when I woke up with my memory somehow missing, he finished everything there and we went home.

His home.

I don't care how many times he said it was my home too, I've never seen any pictures of each other. Well not until recently.

Although, there were a few baby pictures of us when we were kids. Both of us together. In the same picture. But somehow that always seemed like it was just, I don't know, fake. Don't really know how to put the feelings that have been running around in my head.

At the beginning, I was just going through the motions, even though I didn't quite understand what they were. It was hard to figure out, confused and memory gone will do that to a person. But it was the only thing I could that kept Kiser happy.

I didn't know why I had to keep him happy, it was like some sort of reflex, like I had been doing it forever. And maybe I had.

I was doing it again. I said something wrong or said something that Kiser didn't like. I don't know what's gotten into him lately, he just seems agitated for some reason. A reason he hasn't told me about that's for sure. I've confrontedKiser about this before and he kind of just pushed me away, threw himself into his work. It was taking him away from me. I didn't really know how to handle that then, and I don't know how to handle this now.

I was definitely going to confront him about it this time. It needed to be known that I feel terrible when he does this to me. Talking wasn't something I really did, it was just something I didn't like to do. Kiser said I wasn't like that before q lost my memories, said I always talked. Sometimes he couldn't get a word in, but that he would always smile at my enthusiasm of whatever I was rattling on about. Said it was something that made him happy and if it for so bad that I could barely breathe after sentences he would tackle me, tickle me, or kiss me. Sure it would take whatever was left of my breath, but it would knock me out of whatever world I was in without him.

Sometimes I was still like that. When I would go to the mall and see some thing or when I would read a book and explain how outrageous the ending was, or how stupid one of the characters were being, the choices they made.

He smiles at that. Always. Like he super excited to see me.

So maybe it isn't me. Maybe it's something that goes on where I'm not..... Nope can't think of a logical reason as to why he would push away from me. Not unless it had to do with me. The way I act. I have no clue. He reads me like an open book, and even though most days I have no problem reading his facial expressions or a look in his eyes, today was not one of those days.

Walking down the hallway towards his office wasn't really a long walk. It only felt like a long walk because I was taking my sweet time. I didn't really want to face him.

He wasn't too scary or abusive to me in any way, but he did scold me a little bit. And he could be scary. Really really really scary some days to other people.

I definitely don't want to be on the other end of that anger. There was another person who's anger I would never want to be on the other side of. I just can't remember them.

That nagging in my head started again. As if I were remembering something and the door wanted to be let open, but was locked. I open the door to Kise'rs study and find him scribbling away at the papers in front of him.

"Hey darling, what's up?" When I don't answer he stops what he's doing to look up at me. "What's wrong darling?" My head was pounding, Jack hammers like the ones at the sites were hammering at my skull from every direction. A splicing headache ensued in a second, making me fall to the ground in a heap.

Memories start flooding my mind, some that I weren't even sure were mine. Like they were those of someone else, but they were all of me. Every dream-like memory that flew through my brain were of me, causing the pain to increase with each passing one.

Somehow I just knew they were real, they felt to real not to be. The man in front of me was no where near who he said he was.

"You're sadistic. You're a monster. How could you do this to me." Were all things that I wanted to hiss out, but my head and body hurt to much to speak up.

I heard popping noises, then growling, then the pain crashed over me. I felt nothing but pain. Starting the worst at my head then the pain slowly trickles into my bones as everything around me breaks. I black out from the pain.

When I woke up mere few seconds later, my body wasn't my body anymore. Instead I was this huge wolf, bigger then any wolf I've ever seen.

"That's because I'm not your wolf, or anyone's wolf for that matter." As soon as he says that my body shoots forward, devouring the man in front of us. Ripping him to shreds, blood splattering everything in the room.

Soon I passed out, still in wolf form, still without control of my body.

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