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Even brainwashed and knew nothing of her past for the last few years, she never stopped loving him, she was only protecting him. She knew that if she stayed he would only get hurt by Kiser.

Kiser even came for her. He saw her with Kohen, her dreams showed him what he need to see. She was happy with him, her second chance mate, more than she would have been with him. He threatened Kohen and not her. She was afraid for him, so she left.

And Kiser pulled her to him. Just like he always would.

Just like He's been doing this entire time. Just like He's been doing her entire life.

Third person POV:

"But didn't it get and easier being without me? I know those 3 years without me was all His fault, but you thought I was dead. I thought I was dead. You didn't need me to tell you I loved you. You didn't know that even in the hell hole with a man fucked me up I loved you with all my heart. But knowing I left because I wanted to, because I didn't want to be with you, for fear of death, either it be me or you dying because of Him. If I didn't leave he would still be out there." Audrey finished in a calm voice.

"No! None of this has been easy on me. Do you know how long I looked for you? Do you know how much effort I put into looking for you? How much even your father put into looking for you? I loved you with everything I had and you just left me." He said, more like yelled. He was out of breath and then she knew he was mad at her from the way he was huffing and puffing and just the anger in his eyes.

"Loved?" She asked in a confused voice. It was like it bounced off the walls in her head. That one letter that left her stumbling, she was trying to catch the breath that she was losing. Then an eerie calm took over.

"Is that all you gathered from what I said?" He wasn't just angry or mad. He was enraged. And it was towards her. She has seen him this shade of pissed only once, and never wanted to be on the receiving side of that angry. And here she was, on the receiving end.

"Well I'm glad." She tells him in a whisper, even though they both knew that was nothing but a lie.

"Glad?" He seemed confused. It was like he was turning that one word over in his head. Just like with the word Loved in hers

"Yes, glad." She say with the confidence that seemed to be lost on her a few seconds ago.

"You're a really bad liar you know." He says stepping closer to her. This causes her to take a step back.

They do this little dance for a few more steps longer until she hits the wall. He takes that one step closer, the one where he's now pushing up against her, his arms caging her in.

"I stopped loving you the day I realized how stupid I was for ever letting you that close to me. I stopped loving you the moment I saw the look in your dad's eyes, knowing you left on your own terms. I stopped loving you when I realized that you never really loved me. But then I realized, I couldn't really stop loving you."

By now he was pressed up against her with her back now mending with the wall. They were both breathing heavily despite the fact that they were barely speaking above a whisper.

"We just weren't meant for each other. I don't believe in this whole Mate thing." (Total lie) "I don't believe that my world and yours should really mix." Audrey tells him. They both knew that the last 3 sentences were a complete lie. Their worlds mixed on purpose, second best pack in the world with the princess of werewolves. It was bound to happen. Probably written in some book as a prophecy somewhere in the world. Maybe it was in the library in the castle.

(Side note, look in the castle for a book on prophecy's)

"Well that's where you're wrong!" He yelled "I could have protected you! I could have kept him from you!" He stopped. Then it was as if he realized something that explained everything. "Did you even really try? I thought we were meant to be. I truly thought that, I mean that's what that stupid mate bond was supposed to be right. A half meant for the other? I loved you with all my heart and you thought that because it didn't feel right to you that you would just up and leave?"

"NO, but I had my reasons other than tha-" He cut her off again, before she could really explain her true reasons for leaving, something told her she needed to tell the truth the whole truth. The part where he would be in more danger then she would have been. Worlds more trouble.

"It doesn't matter! You left! You could have come talked to me if you thought we were having issues instead of just up and leaving me. It could have saved us all a lot of heartache in the end." Then he just walked away like he didn't just leave his heart, soul, and most importantly, his love, on the ground right by her feet.

But what he didn't know was that she left all that there too.

She took her time freeing her self from the wall, even though she wasn't actually stuck to anything. It took her a while to process that he was gone without really knowing the whole truth. Before she could start crying she ran out of there and never looked back.


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