Chapter 8

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We got to work on remaking my schedule.

Four days, new schedule, and not thinking about a certain someone. It was great. No seriously, it was bliss.


It only took 2 class periods to finish my now perfected schedule. It only had 2 core classes, which Mrs. Whitlock told me we were required to take at least 2 core classes a year. I couldn't wrap my head around that logic, because if you only took 2 main courses you would never finish high school.

Of course that got sorted out when she told me that most people didn't know that, everyone thought that it was required to take all core classes. Go figure.

Now my schedule looked like this.

1st hour: AP U.S. History
Mr. Smith, room 205 building B.

2nd hour: Calculus Honors.
Ms. Andy, room 322 building C.

3rd hour: Creative Writing
Mrs. Morris, room 107, building A.

4th hour: Lunch, (aka go where ever to get food) ( That's what Mrs. Whitlock told me at least.)

5th hour: AP Biology
Mr. Oesch, room 223 building B.
(It's apparently pronounced like Ash)

6th hour: Study hall. (Aka anywhere just don't roam the halls.)

7th hour: Peer.
Mrs. Huey, Library building.

End school.

It wasn't a bad schedule. Saying as how I'm pretty much the one that made the damn thing, I better like it. Plus I was able to change my locker closers to my actual classes.

By this time it was 4th hour, which also meant lunch. Oh how fun! I get to see my Mate and all of his werewolf buddies. Maybe some werewolf sluts and some werewolf sibling.

Note the sarcasm, because there was a lot in those few sentences.

Instead of going to the café like a normal person I head to my car. I've missed pretty much the entire day already, I minas well leave and roam the little town.

Getting my keys out of my purse, I get ready to open the doors to the main hall to the student parking lot. Only thing is, I never made it to the door.

My head hit the wall, then my back. Next thing I know I'm staring right into the eyes of none other than wolf guy.

Yeah I still haven't gotten his name down, stop judging me.

It wasn't like I needed to know him, nor did I want to. I knew that it was inevitable to know him only because I was almost 100% positive he would follow me around, just like he did at the store.

While I was having this internal monologue thing going on, he was talking to me.

He gave me a questioning glare. He knew I hadn't been listening to him, how could he not? My mouth was probably slightly open and I probably had a far away look going on.

"Where you even listening? Did you hear anything I said?" He asked. I couldn't quite describe what kind of tone of voice he used, all I know is that I still wasn't paying much attention to him.

He groaned in annoyance at the still probably far away look I was giving him. But the way he pushed his hair out of his face with his hand was somehow mesmerizing.


He wasn't supposed to fascinate me, I can't get attached. HE wouldn't like it. And I knew why.

But that's details for another day.

Right now all I could think about was a way out of the halls and to some place not here, not with him.

Sure I could feel 'The Bond' but that didn't mean I had to accept it. And I knew I couldn't accept it, I would just be-

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a hand slamming through the wall to my left. I look at him in disbelief. He punched a wall out of frustration? Great, sure fucking spectacular.

"Just what I needed." I said under my breath, forgetting that every werewolf out there has heightened senses. I was supposed to deal with the details at home about this.

It was then he turn to give me a confused far away look. Which I used to my advantage. I ducked under his arm, and before he could even get his senses of what was happening back, I was through the outside doors and sprinting to my car...

... On the other side of the damn parking lot from the building.

Yeah he was going to catch me, that was for sure. I didn't even dare look back. I just continued forward. Then I heard the door bust open.





Why me? Why now? Why here?

Those were questions I'll probably never get the answer to. But I'll also never make it to the car.

So I just stopped.

I stopped and sat on the dirty pavement. I knew how this would end. He would catch me, we would probably fall, and nothing else would happen the way it does in books. I wouldn't let myself fall.

Fall in love.

Sorry about this chapter being short, but it's needed.
And it ends just the way I wanted it to sooooooooo.
Anyways, happy reading!!
Hope yall like this chapter!

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