Chapter 46

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I have updated chapters 46- 48, so please make sure you're on the right chapter. Other wise things will get very confusing very quickly.



Something was up. Why do I say that you ask? Well because Kiser has been home with me for 2 months. Now you might be asking why I find that so weird. Well that would be because he has work. He does own a construction company, and last time I checked, you have to actually show up to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Or I could be completely wrong and he doesn't actually care about his business, who knows. "Hey Kiser?" I call out from the living room, he was in the kitchen making us something for lunch. "Why aren't you going to work, I mean I'm not saying that because I don't want you here or anything, but like, I know you own the business and everything so yeah.." I was rambling I know, but not everything I wanted to say would actually come out.

"You're right I do have my business to run, but honestly I can run most of it from here. Charlie and Samuel can handle it from the site." He says walking back out into the living room with a sandwich in hand. Well 2, plus 2 drinks.

"Oh. I was just remembering that you used to be on site a lot and now you aren't and I know that's because of me." I half whispered looking down. It wasn't from shame or anything, but just sadness that he can't do his job to the fullest because I'm a broken girl that needs to be taken care of.

"No you aren't." I must have said that out loud.

"Yes I am, because if I wasn't then you would be going to work and not babysitting me like I'm gonna relapse into whatever state I was in for all that time after the crash." I wasn't mad, but I was getting there. It had nothing to do with this 'fight' either, I've just been getting mad easily lately. On the plus side Kiser can normally see when the angry was brewing. He would then either try to help me cool down or give up and walk away.

Normally it was the prior and then the latter.

I breathe in and out, something a therapist told me to do whenever I started feeling worked up, and attempt to cool down. It didn't work of course so instead I stormed out of the room. The easiest place for me to cool off was the bathroom. Wanna know why? Because the bathroom had this huge tub in it and I had a shit ton of bath bombs on my sink.

I turn on the water to burning hot add those bath bombs, and grab my clothes from the closet. Putting my hair up and connecting my phone to the docking station, I throw on some nice soft music to help me relax. Kiser knows whats going on, If a certain playlist off my phone is playing I'm cooling down from whatever treachery it's become stuck in.

Once the bath is nearing the top I sink in, letting the heat of the water surround me and release the tension in my muscles. Half an hour later, about when the water started to get cold, Kiser stuck his head in slowly, trying not to upset me more.

"I'm sorry." I say. "I don't know why this is happening to me. Was I ever like this before, I mean after the accident, before I lost my memories again?"

"Sometimes, I wasn't nearly as bad as it can be now though, but on the plus side I can live with it as long it's you I'm living with." He sighed.

"That was way to sappy and corny to come out of your mouth. Please stop that madness."I laugh out. I was relaxed. We both noticed this and he walked into the bathroom further. He walked to the towels sitting on the shelf, one of those big fluffy towel that are somehow always incredibly warm before helping me out of the tub, emptying the water as I was standing up.

"You know, you do this same thing basically every time I storm in here." I noticed that last time I think too.

"You are predictable, May. I know you better than you know yourself." I was kind of a joke, but at the same time not because in all things considered, he really did know me more than I knew myself. Somehow that made me sad, no matter how many times he tries to cheer me up about that unfortunate fact.

He must have noticed my down look because next thing I know we're kissing. This honestly happens to much as well. Anytime I'm down about something he kisses me. It does make me feel a little better, but it could just be a ploy for sex. That tends to be what happens after these 'brighten up' make-out sessions.

"Okay, not this time, I want food first." It sounded a lot like he said something along the lines of 'I know what I would rather be eating, and it's definitely not food.' But then I could be hearing things. Doubt it.

"Maybe later." was all I whispered back.

"I swear, it's like you have super hearing or something. Every time I whisper something under my breath, something so low you shouldn't be able to hear it, you always somehow hear it anyways."

"I'm just a badass ninja, hearing things must be my specialty." I shrug at him.

"I know damn well that's not true. I could be talking to you, or the house could be on fire, and if you are reading, you would probably die in a fiery rage." Okay that was an over exaggeration, but he's not wrong. Damned thing I found called Wattpad. It was a great site, and I never had to leave the comfort of home to find a new thing to read.

With that we walked down stairs to the living room to finish those sandwiches that were just left there. And by that I mean mine, Kiser already finished eating his.

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