Chapter 13

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Now just remember, I was in a crowd full of werewolves and not humans.

Five day almost finished, more than one someone's about to be dead, a group full of people who just had their eardrums erased, and me. Wanting nothing more than to just go home.

Why couldn't it be that easy?

************************** LONG CHAPTER!!!

Why couldn't it be that easy? Easy to leave the school like I had planned, too high up the scale wolves starting a crowd because they're "popular'. And around my baby at that.

"Now that everyone can hear me, go away or I'll run you over. Kohen, Enzo, off the car before I kill you." I jump off the edge of the car and walk around to the driver's side.

Jumping in I start the car quickly. There were still people in my way, so I do what I was gonna do. I slowly, because I mean I really don't want to run over anyone, back out of the parking space. People actually moved away realizing I wasn't joking around.

One problem seemed to emerge. Kohen was pushing the car fowards. Little did he know how much time and effort I put into this car. It had some tricks that not even my dad knew about. I pressed down on the brakes, looking to make sure there wasn't anyone in front of me I flipped a switch. The front hidrolics made the car go up and going forward over the concrete thing fast. Before anyone could understand what was going on, I was already out of the parking lot making my way to my house.

My father was home, which was a first especially saying that this was his about 4th day at this pack. But who was I to complain?

As soon as I walk through the door from the garage I was pounced on. Not literally, but my father was standing in front of me in a heart beat, and even though I saw it coming I still jumped a little at the fact that he was suddenly there.

"Hey can you order that pizza that we had two days ago?" He asked.

Why did he have to ask? I was the only one who knew the number. Sighing, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed the number to the pizza place.

"Joe's pizza how may I help you?" It was the same guy from the last time.

"Do you remember me? I was the girl that ordered-"

"Yes I remember you. Do you want the same as last time? Two large pizza's with everything we have on it and 2 two liters one Dr.Peper, and one Mwt. Dew?"

I nodded before remembering I was on the phone, "Yeah."

"Alright be there in thirty." After that he hung up on me. He probably thinks me something strange. I put my phone back into my pocket and walked into the living room.

Pizza came and father paid for it. Then about six hours later, after watching a couple episodes of something on Netflix we decided to head off to bed. I took some sleeping pills hoping, no begging for some sleep.

After staring at my celing. Then wall. Then phone, and back to ceiling, for about 2 hours I finally felt it. Drozyness. Then I was just out.

When I woke up it was light outside. Then I remembered that today was only Wednesday, and Wednesday=School Day.

Jumping up so fast, you would think me a full blooded werewolf, I did what I needed to do. Brush my teeth, throw my hair in a bun, change clothes. The whole thing.

I was actually feeling good today. Not because I just felt that it was going to be a good day, but because I actually slept-in. The word seemed foreign to me. I haven't "slept-in" for a good few years now.

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