Chapter 14

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"Princess............ Princess............" I heard my father say. I mean I was his princess. I was a legit princess, born and raised in the beautiful country of...

I remember running through the gardens playing hide and go seek with everyone who lives at the castle.

Which most of them still worked there, keeping the place tidy, ready for us whenever we finish what we've started. Whenever we stop running.

Well I was running. My dad was king, he couldn't hide from anything. Nor should he.

Though that's what we were kind of doing now, hiding. No one knew who the king was. What he looked like. If he had a mate, a few children. Who knows? No one but the castle occupants that's who.

My father has been there forever. Especially when the nightmares started.

Anyways back to hide and go seek. "Princess, I know where you are...." It started out as my father's voice. Then it slowly changed into one I feared. "You can't hide from me. But then again, you never really could."

Then I knew it was just a dream when I woke up out of breath, barely getting enough oxygen to see straight. With my marvel pj bottoms and catbug t-shirt on, I sit up fully, taking a water bottle and chugging the whole thing in seconds.

That's when I realized it.

I had an issue. No issues. Mainly in the forms of dreams. So I was having issues. I knew I was and there was only one person I could go to with this.

My father.

Which I didn't know was going to be a bad idea.

I ran down. The stairs sounding like a heard of animals at a stamped. I then proceed to throw myself at the door like I normally would IN MY OWN HOUSE, into the living room where I figured he would be.

"We have an issue!" I yell before I even hit the door. "Or at least I do." I added , oblivious to the noise coming from the living room.

I was right about one thing. He was in the living room.

Along with about 12 other wolves.

Meeting have never been held at the Mitchell residence, no matter where that might be. It was always held at some office or the pack house. ALWAYS!

No one was supposed to know that I was related to my father. Let alone, I wasn't supposed to know who he was, or what he was. Me being human and all.

When I looked up I realized just how loud it was in the silence.

Everyone was looking at me. Which is to be expected. I mean I did just bust through the doors yelling I had issues.

"Are they imortant?" My father commented. He was still looking down at would looked to be a map of the area.

Still feeling the awkwardness in the room I just stood there in silence.

My silent caused him to look up from his papers. Finally. "Do you need help?" He asked.

At least it was different than 'Is this important.' It helped me get my barring in check and I shook my head clearing it quickly.

"You didn't tell me, so this is on you." I see his eyes roll. "It's about...." I hesitate, not finding the right words to say around other people.

Then I remember this game we played when I was younger. It was code names for things that were serious and we never actually wanted to say what we really meant.

Things that were important in normal life stood for something important, mentally. So in this case I used food. Which I mean... is very important in the Mitchell house.

"It's about food. So I'm gonna go." I say backing away slowly.

He looks at me with a worried expression, which was covered as quick as it came. Like it was never even there. He glanced around the room quickly, making my eyes to do the same.

As I do that, one person stands out. Kohen was here. In my house. He knew who my dad was.

Of course he didn't really know who he was. Not like I did. And an entire castle and a few guards,  but that doesn't really count.

I lock eyes with my dad once more, then shift to them back to Kohen's once again. He had on an expression that most likely mirrored mine.


I was still backing away slowly, trying to run from this as fast as I can. Before I can even get close to the door my dad speaks up.

"You sure? " he asks as if no one was in the room. "Why do you have a flower lollipop? He the questions after a second.

"Don't ask questions I don't know the answer to! And I'll just figure it out myself."

Just then I noticed someone looking at me. He was wearing an odd expression on his face. One I couldn't quite place.

"Can I have-" He starts. Before he even has the full sentence out, I point to him with the flower lollipop.

"No!" I bark out. I look straight at him with a flower pop in one hand and a glare on my face. I knew he would most likely be asking about the food I wasn't worried about.

At the same time as my 'no' I heard two different sets of growls.

One was from my dad.

The other from Kohen.

Which only caused another growl from my father. Eyes gone wide some people look between me and my father. All thinking the same thing

'Who was 'she'?"

I finally made it to the coffee table that held all of the keys , and fumbled to find mine while my eyes were still focused on the wolves in my house.

Finding them, I sprint out of there towards the garage. Jumping into my car leaving tire marks on the pavement, I get out of there just as fast as it took me to get down stairs and profess that I had issues.

Yeah, I still had those issues. Now I've just added more.

My life just can't get any better.

I drove straight through town. Into another town, then another, and another, until all that was left was the sand and water of a beach.

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