Chapter 13 Kohen's pov.

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In celebration of the fact that today is not only Friday the 13th, but we also have a full moon, I figured I could have a short chapter in Kohen's point of view.

You don't have to read this if you don't want to so I'm okay if you skip this.

Okay so here I go.


She's a terrible human being werewolf... something. She's my mate and all but at this moment in time, I couldn't care.

All I saw was pink. Pink, and glitter, and ribbons, and just gah.

When I walked outside after classes were over I stopped in my tracks. At first I didn't even realize it was my bike, I thought maybe that's just not where I parked.

I see Audrey walk out of the main building, she looks me straight in the eyes, towards the bike then back at me. Her eyes flashed in amusement.

She tried to hold her laugh it, I could see it on her face, but it might have been too much to hold.

She laughed for a good few seconds before she looked me in the eyes once more.

She was dead.

She shoved her bag towards Kinsley, which ended up on the ground anyways, and ran. I was kind of surprise that she ran so fast. One second she was there next thing I know she was rounding the far corner of the next building.

I look towards Thorne, drop my bag knowing he'll pick it up and ran after her.

She might be fast but I'll be faster. Her scent disappeared when I finally made it to the corner. It took me a good 30 minutes before I could pick up her sent again.

She was running around the entire school, going back to places she was prior. When I follow the scent back to Kinsley and Thorne somehow I knew where she would be. Going to the far building walking just at a stroll already knowing she'll be there, the two follow behind me.

They start whispering, coming up with what my plan might be, or what I was doing just casually walking to the 9th grade science building.

"He found her." Thorne whispered to my sister. All she does is giggle a little. Yet knowing that her new best friend might be killed shortly, she was still giggling about this.

I hear a squeak come from inside, and the running of feet trying to make it to the other side before I could get the door open.

She almost made it. A good 8 feet and she would be at the door on the other side. She was right next to the last alcove in the building.

It wasn't that long of a building. Only 5 class rooms, a bathroom, 2 alcoves, and lockers filling both sides.

Everything was locked up for the day because classes have already ended. There might be a few teachers faculty and janitors and such still here.

She turned around looked to see if somehow she could manage to find a way out without being killed first. Her eyes then met mine. 

I walked closer to her, then closer, when I was about a foot away I stopped. Kinsley and Thorne were close behind me.

Audrey what did you do? What did you do to my bike?"

"I put a little life into it. Didn't you like the sparkle?" She gives me an innocent smile, not even an ounce of regret in her eyes. That look pissed me off more, and she could see that. Why she kept getting me pissed I wouldn't know, but her cute little act needed to stop. The need to kiss her came like a brick wall.

"Audrey I know you messed with my bike!" I half-yelled

"And what makes you think I'm the one that did it?" She was no longer playing the sickly sweet innocent but the defensive innocent "What makes you think I would mess with your bike like that?" Even if she was trying to lie she couldn't, the smirk on her face told it all, she's the one that painted my bike pink, she was the only one who had anything to do with it.

"Okay yes I messed with your bike." She confessed. The emotions that ran through her eyes switched from playful to guilt, from guilt to relief. Why relief I'll never know, and then back to playful.

"Oh you're going to get it." I whispered just low enough that she could hear but Thorne and Kinsley couldn't.

And here we are back to where we started.
"Try me, Alpha." She has a sarcastic tone go through the word alpha.

"Why did you go and say something like that?" I hear from Thorne.

"Why not?" She counters talking just a little louder than a whisper, she shrugs her shoulders and never taking her eyes from mine.

"Your funeral." He says with his hands up in surrender backing away slowly. We all knew what he was doing. He was running, I could hear Kinsleys footsteps disappear just as quickly.

It felt like a long time before the door to the building clicked shut, but as soon at it did I pushed her to the alcove and she was place on the wall. The force of impact still made her lose her breath, but she has this coming.

Her eyes hooded as they were, it doubled my need to kiss her.

So I did just that. She didn't stop or push me away like I expected her to. It's what she's been doing since she got here. Pushing me away.

The bliss I was feeling as I stand here kissing her, I never wanted it to end. It did soon after, so we could breathe, but what really surprised me was when we broke apart and then she kissed me.


I hope everyone likes this chapter... sorta chapter.


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