Chapter 24

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Four weeks, another day down. People coming to my house, ones I don't actually know much about no matter how well Kinsley knows them.

Well this would be the right time to mention to my father that I'm bringing friends over.

This was going to end wonderfully.


"Hey father, I have a question to ask you."

We had gone to some fast food diner type place, and now that we were done with lunch we had all gone our separate ways to get snacks, drinks and clothes for the night and tomorrow.

"Why do I have a sneaky suspicion that I'm not going to like what you have to say?" He asks.

"Because you might not." I tell him. Before he can say anything about that comment I continue. "Can a few friends come over? It'll only be 4 of us, and we'll be in my room watching movies, nothing else??"

"No." Well, shit. What was I gonna do? The look on his face, the stern there's no way to change my mind kind of look, made it known he was actually serious about this.

"I already told every one that it was okay. They're all already coming over. They'll probably be here in like 20 minutes. And Kinsley will be here." I think that if Kinsley will be here too it'll win him over. Maybe but probably not.

"No Audrey, I'm serious. There's another meeting and it's going to be here." He was lying. He knew better, knowing from the last time he held a meeting here, that it was probably a bad idea.

"Liar, I can tell a bluff and you know it. Plus why would you have another meeting here? Especially with what happened last time."

"Yeah sure, I still don't want people here. You just got better, well mostly better. There's no need to over do it by having people here." He said.


"What am I gonna do? Hmm." I say to myself.

"Firstly tell them they can't come over." I glare at his retreating figure. So much for he being an awesome father. Jk, he's a terrific father. No sarcasm. Not in any way joking or lying or anything. He was seriously a great father. I wouldn't ask for anyone else.

Just at the moment I wish he would just let me have people over.

"Wait. Father why don't you want anyone here?" I ask. Even though he said that it was because I'm not healed, but it has to be something more.

"I told you, you just got better."
"There's more. I know there's more to UT than that." There's always more.

It took him a while to answer me. "When you were out of it you were talking to HIM. I kicked Kohen out when you started mumbling knowing that you wouldn't want him to know. What happens when he comes again and there's a room full of people?"

He was using HIM against me. No fucking way.

I turned around and walked away from him. I could have people over and I could go and spend the night over someone's house. Great.

"I'm probably not going to sleep anyways. The only reason I was out then was because of blood loss, and the last few times I slept was actually dreamless, and then the night I woke up with the meeting down here. What makes you think that I'm actually going to fully sleep? Or sleep at all?"

He was actually thinking about it. He might succumb to what I just said.

"Fine." He grumbbled. "But when you fall asleep and wake up because of a nightmare I'm gonna say I told you so."

I was actually kind of worried that maybe this wasn't going to work out for me.


Once everyone got here we took inventory of everything. Pizza, which I got.

Myranda brought 4 big bags of chips. Doritos being the main thing, not that I was complaining.

Michelle brought drinks of all kinds, dr. Pepper, Coke, Mt.Dew, and a few other 2-liters.

And finally, Kinsley brought some bags of candy, one was hersey chocolate, one Swedish fish, another source patch kids, and a few, well actually several, bags of pixie sitks.

We were gonna be on some major sugar highs because of those.

We brought all this junk up stairs to my room. We each took turns using the bathroom to change and bathroom breaks and such, then we did the impossible.

Picking the movies.

Eventually we figured everything out. After like a good 25 min.

Michelle picked magic mike... yeah.. I didn't know she was like that either. Then again I don't know these girls very well.

Myranda picked 50 first dates. What a sad movie that is.

Kinsley picked, and I quote, 50 shades of grey. I wanted to denie that one but because I said pick any movie that's what she picked.

And last but not least me. I picked white chick's. Best movie ever I might have to say. Totally a wonderful movie indeed.

Now that we had that all figured out, we continued our night the way one should.

Binging on snacks, laughing at the movies, and eventually. Everyone fell asleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night with the girls scattered around my bed or on the floor. Well half way on the floor.

Man, these people move around in there sleep a lot.

That's actually what woke me up and not a nightmare. I walked into my bathroom and turned on my light. It was a stupid thing to do because now I was sitting here blind.

I blink away the spots from my vision and walk over to my sink. I splash a little water on my face to wake me up a little more knowing there was no way I could go back to sleep now.

I walk back into the room and check the time. 6am. Only 2 hours worth of sleep.

I've run on less time. Much less. Like days less.

Anyways... Maybe if I called Kohen he would come-.

Wait what? What made me think of just asking him? Whatever, maybe it'll be a good thing. Yeah okay.

Convincing myself that calling him would be a good only because I wanted to run, I grab my phone off the charger and slowly, quietly, make my way down stairs.

Calling him was the easy part. All I have to do is open my phone a hit a few buttons. The hard part was actually speaking. I wasn't mad or anything at him, which was a good thing, but asking him to do something for/with me. I didn't know what was going to happen.

I accomplished the easy part. She called him. Then it rang. And rang. And rang once more. Just a soon as I was about to hang up the line clicked to life on the other side.


Four weeks, two days, one great slumber party, but I think I just made a mistake. Calling Kohen might have been a mistake.


Soooo, she's going to ask for his help with something. One of the things she absolutely hates doing, with good reason.

Maybe she's too prideful. Maybe it's something else.

So what do you think Kohen is going to say about her calling him?

I fully completely do not apologize about the cliffhanger.

Anywho. Hope you guys like this chapter!!


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