Chapter 6

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They all went separate ways. Some girls glaring at me and a few of the other boys looking at me in shock. 'What did I do? Tell me I didn't just get on the bad side of one of the 'bad boys' of this school. Not like I'd care too much but I didn't need this.'

So much for trying to be nice. Lack of sleep was getting to me, and it wasn't even first period yet. And today was already starting to get interesting.

Four days, school and stupid probably bad boys to deal with, 'New Girl' already in the rumor mill, and not to mention the wolf/guy. Maybe it wasn't going to be that bad. As if.


I was banging against the damn thing. "Why the fuck won't you open." Each word being whispered under my breath after each hit. Thinking that maybe just maybe it would open. After putting the combo in a few more times before it finally opened. I must have hit it just the right way just enough times.

I kept the few things I knew I would need and the rest went into the locker. I honestly didn't really want to put the things in there. Maybe it wouldn't open again. That would be unfortunate.

So not only did I get no sleep, had to deal with stupid people, but now I had a locker that wouldn't open. With my luck so far I'll probably be pushed to the side and all of my things falling out if my hands.

Nah that's what the book bag I have is for. So I don't have to worry about that. Looking at my schedule and the map after getting all my things put away, I find out that the building number for my first class is on the other side of the campus. Which means getting here very early every day.

Yay! Note the sarcasm.

I was leaning against my locker when I felt someone looking at me. I look up and it was the guy. The wolf/guy. He was staring at me with an intense gaze walking straight to me.

Girls were lusting after him, guys were saying hey to him, and I'm pretty sure he kept talking to someone.

'Probably though mind-link, I wish I had been able to do that.' I say to myself.

His eyes were glazed over but it was like he could see still, which he probably could. I mean the guy was walking straight to me for fucks sakes.

Great now all the girls were glaring at me, and the guys were actually noticing me. Then they kind of nodded their head towards the wolf/guy.

'You know he probably told them that you are his mate right?' My inner thoughts decided to mention.

'Oh shut up you.' I retort.

'I'm you dumbass' She didn't say any more and I didn't think about it anymore.

I forgot all about the guy coming towards me because of my internal battle with myself, even though it was only a few seconds.

I was walking off thinking very hard about, something. I was trying to remember something I just couldn't place my finger on it.

"Hey wait up." I heard it, I swear I did, but it didn't really register until he grabbed at my arm, turning me around in the process. I wasn't ready for someone to come up to me and pull me around. So when someone did I turned around quickly and had my hand in a fist automatically and punched him in the face.

"Oh my God, I swear I didn't mean to do that. It's just a reflex." I was honest to God super upset about this. Maybe it was this mate bond, maybe it was because I was actually really mad at my sleeping for this, but whatever the reason was I wanted to hide and get away.

So I did that I walked away. Meaning I didn't walk slow I just about ran. Fight or flight my dad always said. It's better to run than fight, but he also taught me how to fight just in case it came to that.

Anyways. I basically ran to my first period and after failing to find it for a while, I walked in at least 5 minutes late.

"Sorry I couldn't find the class." I tell the teacher. Mr. Sparks, that was his name.

I look around for a split second before my eyes fell on the teacher once more. He had salt and pepper hair. More of the dark brown color, then the silver color that was coming through. He looked up at me. "You must be Audrey." He said in a calm tone.

"Yes." I confirmed.

"There should be a seat over there. Kinsley, could you raise your hand." A hand went into the air almost immediately.

I walked over to the seat and she immediately started to stare at me. "What?" I snapped at her. I was being angry and just down right mean, I know.

"Sorry, I've just had a rough day already." I apologize. Maybe it was because I didn't have any friends yet, maybe it wasn't and it was just something about her. The world may never know, but something made me want to apologize to her.

She had a small smile placed on her face. "It's okay, I was actually standing around when you snapped at those boys in front of your locker. And I was still there with my boyfriend Mikael and we saw you punch top honcho at this school."

Oh great, my mate is that popular everyone knows him kinda guy. Great.

I must have said it out loud or this girl can hear my thoughts, because she turned to me with bewildered eyes. "Wait, what? You know about werewolves?" She said in such a small voice that even if there was another werewolf in this room they wouldn't have heard anything what so ever.

"Half." I whispered pointing to myself.

Why did I give this information out? I felt the shock sink in after I said that.

This day just couldn't get any better could it? Not only do I have to worry about the popular crowd, the wolf/guy, classes and my sleep schedule (or lack of therefore) I also had to deal with the deadly dreams that came with the sleep that I actually had. And now I've just blurted out one of my most important secrets to some I met not even 2 minutes ago.

I was pulled out of the internal struggle I seemed to be having with myself once the bell rang out loud and clear. The class had already ended and I didn't even realize the time had moved so fast.

I get up and pack up my things before taking my map and schedule out of my bag and walking out of the room not even looking up. And that was my mistake.

Four days, still school and bad boys, classes on the other side of the world from my locker, and me being unobservent later.

On the plus side I actually might have made a friend. Shocker.


Hey guys!! I hope you like this chapter!

So, why do yall think she told Kinsley about her half werewolf self? Cause I'm not really sure and Im the one who's writing this book......

Maybe that's not a good thing, oh well.

Also. Is she actually ever going to know this guy's name. Maybe..... Probably cause I mean... why not.

Hope yall like the book so far!! Please vote or comment.!!


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