Chapter 39

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I already knew tomorrow was going to be a terrible day. And it wasn't even morning yet. I haven't even woken up yet.


I woke up screaming. I was being shoken awake by someone. I couldn't stop the screaming.

I felt tingles, and then the bed dip a little. Big arms wrapped around me making me feel safe and secure. The screaming eventually stopped. I was able to calm my racing heart just enough. Then the water works started.

I couldn't stop crying. I cried for at least a good 30 minutes. Soaking his shirt in the process.

I could tell it was him. Kohen. It was because of the sparks that ran between us.

Eventually my tears came to a stop. I was glad they stopped, but exhausted from the nightmare.

He was trying to talk to me but I just wasn't listening. I couldn't hear him.

What I did hear chilled me to the bone.

"I'm here Audrey, I'm going to protect you as much as I can, but you can sleep now darling." After that I passed out.


When I woke up Kohen was gone. Why he was here in the first place though had me questioning a lot of things.

I had had a bad dream. I knew that. Then Kohen had come out of no where and helped me back to sleep.

Then he said the words that the man from my nightmares had told me right before I blacked out.

I didn't have the energy or power to tell him what happened right after the dream, but I knew he would press on about it eventually.

Even though we weren't really a thing per say, I understood that he needed me almost as much as I need him. I didn't realize that until he helped me back to sleep.

Of course it fucked me up even more because he had said the same words as HIM.

I don't know what his name is, I just call him, HIM, my killer or the guy who kills me every night, almost every night. But that's a mouthful and so HIM works too.

He, meaning Kohen, was going to pick me up. I didn't want that. I left my house early to get to school before he even had time to leave his house.

He would know I left, he always did.

Remember I said he told me not to go through the woods anymore, and how I said I didn't care what he said, which was a total lie by the way. Well I went through the woods to get to school today only because I knew it would piss him off.

I know why I was doing this, I was trying to act like nothing happened last night. Like the dream had never come, he didn't comfort me after I woke up screaming.

I didn't want him to pity me about this. I didn't want anyone to know about this.

The woods had a calming effect on me. It was strange that the woods had a calming effect though, I mean I did almost die in these woods a little over 4 months ago.

Even though my nerves were still on edge from the dream, I was feeling better now then I did last night. That could also have to do with the fact that I took a nice long shower this morning, using all of the hot water.

I was actually pretty sure my father had left already when I jumped in though.

I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. I already knew what it was going to be.

'Where are you????' -Kohen.

'Umm, I'm coming out in a min. Just give me a sec.' -Audrey.

Of course that sec wasn't going to be a sec. But he didn't need to know that yet.

'U walked to school didn't u?'.

'Why not, it was a beautiful morning.'.
'That and the fact that I knew you would be mad.' -Audrey.

'Why do you do this to me?'-Kohen.

'I'm not doing anything, I didn't ask you to come last night, I didn't ask you to be a werewolf and I didn't ask you to follow me around like a lost puppy.' -Audrey.

I knew that last part was the complete truth, even some of his friends have said that I had him wrapped around my finger. I didn't want any of this. I wasn't going to reject him or anything, because I did know how that one worked, but if I just ran away and he didn't know where I went, things would be easier.

'Audrey, please tell me where you are, I'm sorry.' -Kohen.

'I'm at school.' -Audrey, and that was the cold hard truth, even though I didn't want to be here right now.

I turned my phone off and walked over to my locker, which was next to his locker. Somehow he was able to convince the office lady that there was an empty locker, which was true, and that he didn't have a locker yet. Which wasn't true but whatever.

After putting all the things I didn't need in the locker and taking all of the things I need out of the locker, I slammed it shut and walked to the café.

I didn't want to think today, I was going to have a mind-numbing day. I put my head phones in and blasted my music.

I had an alarm set a few minutes before the bell rang to get to homeroom so that I would be able to get up and go to class and actually get there on time.

I could feel a person behind me. Eyes boring into the back of my head, probably with rage. If it's who I thought it was.

I was picked up like a rag doll and then tossed over his shoulder. I yelped in surprise not knowing who this was and then I felt tingles where we touched, clothed or not clothed immediately knowing who it was.

Just like last night.

'Oh no, he wanted to talk about last night.'
"I can't talk about it Kohen, I just can't. I'm not ready yet." He just keep walking.

I didn't know where we were going because all I could see was behind him. And his ass. Which was nice might I add.

When he walked outside I knew where we were going. To his car. He finally put me down and pinned me to his car, using his long tan muscle-y arms to keep me captive.

Course I've already figured a way out of this position. It was easy, flirt with him.

"Kohen," I look up into his eyes, my blood went cold, the look on his face was blank, stoic. But his eyes told a different story. Behind the amber colors swirling I could see the emotions he was facing.

Instead of saying anything more I wrap my arms around him and bury my head in his chest. I mumble out an 'I'm sorry' just loud enough where only he could hear it.

The look in his eyes was a mix of sadness, desperation, anger, and what looked to be torment. I made him this way. I made him freak out, but the other side of this is that if he never came up into my room last night he would have never been this way.

Just angry that I went to school through the woods, that's all. Then again I might not have walked through the woods, I probably would have taken my baby.

He took his arms off the car and wrapped them around me in a very protective way. He turned us around so that he was leaning up against his car.

The bell had rung but we didn't care, we were just going to stand there like that anyways. He wasn't going to let me go anytime soon, even if I tried to get out.

So I just stood there in his protective embrace, and let me being there, just being there, as his worry slowly faded away.

Five months, 8 days, a worried wolf, dreams- no nightmares getting worse and it was only 7 in the morning. Things were about to change. And probably not for the better.

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