Chapter 44

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When I woke up I was in a unknown bed, in an unknown room, and all things considered probably in an unknown house. This wasn't creepy at all. I sit up slowly, using my elbows to hold me up, and look around. It was a spacious room.

There were 2 doors, both of which were double doors. One led outside. The only reason I know that is because the glass panels and soft curtains that let in the morning light told me so.

The other doors were on a track. I assume the bed part of the bedroom is a little alcove, but it was hard to tell saying as how the doors were closed. I got up slowly, not to attract attention if there was someone in the other room. When the sheet pooled around my waist after sitting up I noticed I wasn't in the same clothes as I was yesterday.

Someone changed me into a sheer nightgown. This thing was only to mid thigh and it was light blue with lace at the bottom and around the top part, the underwear I had on was of the same material.

"Who the fuck changed me?" I said in a whisper/yell. "And how the fuck did I get here?!?!" A door outside the room I was currently in closed shut, it was quiet enough where if I were still asleep I wouldn't have heard it. Of course me being awake kinda defeats that purpose.

The sound of feet hitting the floor and walking towards me started to freak me out. After a few steps the direction changed and the person started going into a different room.

Bathroom maybe?

When the door to that room closed I decided now was a great time to run, well kinda run.

I got up, nightgown, bare feet and all, the pads of my feet barely hitting the ground, making my steps silent. I was to the door in seconds and trying to open the door. That was a mistake. The sound of the door on the track was so loud that I thought the person in the room 2 floors down and across the house could hear it.

The shower, which I had just noticed was on, turned off. Either the person taking a shower was quick at it or he heard me open the door, which ever it was I needed to move quick. So going through this way must be a no go, maybe going to the other double doors would be a bit easier.

"Or I could just run for it. Maybe make it, maybe not, but at least I tried right?" Deciding going past the threat wasn't the best idea I back track in the room and turn towards the double doors leading outside.

Not caring how much noise I made, 'the threat' knew I was up. I ran over to the double doors that lead outside and ran over to the balcony. Then I look down.

It wasn't that far of a drop, maybe 3 stories. Although there looked to be only 2 stories of this house, the height of each were that of about 1 1/2 normal stories. I know, that doesn't make much sense.

As I was about to jump the track made a noise and slammed against the stopper.

"Maylynn! What are you doing sweetheart, we've talked about this!" The sound of bewilderment and hurt in his voice was palpable. He wasn't angry, he was just shocked that I would go this far, he was taking it as if we've already had this conversation. Multiple times, of course I'm only assuming.

"My. Name. Isn't. Maylynn!!!" I say seething. "Who changed me?!?! I didn't wear this, I didn't change into this!" He looked defeated, his hands up in surrender.

"You put that on last night, I slept on the couch. We were doing so good, 3 weeks without memory loss. What did you dream about love? Please tell me!" He was pleading. Like I bet he would be on his knees right now begging if he didn't think the sudden movement would terrify me. Which to be honest it probably would.

"I didn't dream about anything." I said in a small voice. "I just woke up here, in a room I don't know, in a place I don't know!" My voice got stronger with each word.

He sighed, with his hands still up in surrender he backed away from me slowly, eventually making it to the bed and sat down. "We were doing so good." He says into his hands. "What can I do to show you? To show you that this is your life, it's been your life for a long time. Please, Maylynn tell me what I can do to make you okay with this?" His voice was choked with sobs he wouldn't let out.

I couldn't see his eyes so I couldn't see if they were glossy with unshed tears.

Carefully I got off the edge of the balcony, then slowly proceeded to walk over to him. "You've been going with this back and forth, me knowing who you are and not knowing for a long time haven't you?"

He lifts his head up, "It's been 6 months since the accident, it was 2 months of you not remembering and you not hearing me out everyday. It was hard Maylynn. Basically speaking, my whole world was missing a big piece. You were here, but you weren't fully here, and it killed me inside to see you struggling like that. Dreaming of a place and people who, as far as I believe, don't exist. I've known you for a very long time May, we might not be married but we've been together for practically ever. The only exception was between the time I was alive and you were werent born yet. And then just best of friends from then on."

"So seeing your beloved like this is killing you. I get it. Well sort of, I've read enough books to know what it's like in a sense." I didn't know what to do. I didn't know this man, but he was in enough pain for me to believe him. And I mean like fully, truly believe him. "What is our age difference? Just so I know."

"Yes it hurt to see you like this, and the difference is 8 years. Yeah I know, that's a big difference, but we've known each other a long time, of course besides the fact that right now you don't know me." I sat down on the floor after I closed the balcony doors, brave I know.

After a few minutes of silence my stomach started grumbling.

"Looks like someone's hungry." He says getting up from the bed and walking over to me, still slowly as if he were to scare me. He holds out his hand for me to grab.

I did something neither of us really expected. I grabbed on.

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