Chapter 19

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Recap: What was I going to do?

Three weeks, five days, and knowing someone who has been haunting me for years has almost found me.

And it hasn't even been a month yet.

What was I going to do?


"Audrey, why don't you head upstairs and get some rest? I know for a fact you didn't sleep the last 12 hours." The words he didn't have to say but we're left hanging in the air were easy. I haven't slept, like really slept, in days.

"Okay, that's probably a good idea, maybe something will come to me." Not likely, but I can try.

-2 hours later-

So I managed a good hour and a half of sleep. No nightmares. No dreams. No creepy man after me.

But why was a good sleep cut short? There was banging coming from down stairs along with a stream of colorful curse words.

I groaned a little then got up out of bed because I knew there was no going back to sleep. So instead I started my walk down stairs into the living room. My father was in the kitchen (I believe) so I wasn't too worried about the crash and burn that was going on in there.

I threw on some mindless TV show that I knew I wasn't going to pay much attention to. Then I remembered something.

My phone. I'm sure that if I go up stairs and looked at my phone I would see that it's blown up.

I walked slowly up the steps to get to my room and retrieved my phone that was still placed in the charger.

To my surprise it wasn't full of calls and messages, quite the opisite actually. Only 3 missed calls and 7 messages. The 3 calls from my father and 2 out of the 7 were from Kohen.

The other 5 messages were my friends saying something about a party and that it would ever talked more about come Monday. Whatever that fully meant, the world may never know. One thing I knew for sure was that I didn't want to be part of it.

I walked back downstairs into the kitchen.

"Audrey, good you're here and awake. Chinese, pizza, burgers, or BBQ?"

I put my hands to my chin thinking. Even though that was a lame way to think. "Burgers. But they have to be from 'Five Guy's!' Or the little diner outside of town!" I love five guy and I've never tried the diner so it was up to father.

"Diner, I haven't been out in ages." That was totally exaggerated, he was just out yesterday. Or was it the day before that? Whatever. I laugh at his efforts though.

"So okay, before we leave and everything I have to know something. Well a few somethings."

"Go on, number one."

"Why was there a meeting here?" It wasn't one of the more important questions but I needed to know.

"Emergency. Continue, number two." I knew what he meant when he said emergency, well normally people understand that.

Normally it was just a rouge attack, just semi bigger than normal. Which is to be expected. Somewhat.

"Two, what did you tell them about me?" He rolled his eyes at my question.

"Simple, you're my daughter. I'm not going to lie about you." Normally he's more protective of me so it phased me a little. "Any more?"

"Well a warning could have been mentioned or something."

"Audrey, it was last minute and they were already on there way, you were so asleep that I couldn't wake you. So that one is on you."

"Water and being pushed out of bed normally helps with that." I jokingly tell him.

"Now if that's all over to more serious business. Food. Actual food." I laugh a little and follow him out to the car, getting in a buckle up and driving to the diner right outside of town.

What is it with me and diners? Topic for another day.

The burger was wonderful, it felt just like the little diner up in Georgia, with Helen, but there wasn't a rude old man.

Later that day we finally made it home. It was getting late and I really wanted sleep. But I couldn't. All I could think about was that dream. About what my father told the I guess council here. That kiss.

Mostly about the kiss.

Wait I mean the dream, yeah that's what I was thinking more about.

Eventually I fell asleep. It was dark and quiet, but didn't feel dangerous or ominous. Which was good. Way better than last night.

Sure sleep wasn't going to last that long, and I knew that, but I still wanted to sleep for decades and not have to worry about monsters from my past somehow always finding me.

Three weeks six days, almost a month over and everything is falling apart.

That might be too much to say, so maybe it's a piece of yarn being tugged at. Eventually everything will come loose.


Hello everyone!

Hope you guys like this chapter...

How do you guys like the fact that Audrey's father told the truth about who she was to an entire pack council?


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