Chapter 30

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One month, four days, one book completely finished because of the one person I feared the most. A run that went smoothly, a day that will ultimately suck in general.


I park my bike right next to Kohen's, what's the point of taking up two spaces when there's plenty of room in one space.

Assholes, that's who take up two spaces.

Kohen wasn't at his bike, I pulled my backpack up and walked to where we, the group, normally wait til the bell rings.

No one was there. I was by myself for the day. Great. Nothing like roaming the halls all by yourself, that should lift my spirits.

Sarcasm. It's like punching people in the face but with words. Other than the actual feeling of swinging at someone.

Okay I'm off topic. I was contemplating on just going home and skipping the day. And since I couldn't find anyone it would be an issue. All I have to do is tell my dad I was skipping, which I've done plenty of times before. Only thing I have to do is tell him.

The last time I skipped school and he didn't know about the school called him and freaked out not knowing where I was. Honestly, I was too tired to get up and move through the day. It's happened before when I couldn't sleep for days. My energy would be shot and I couldn't do anything. Sometimes I would pass out. Only to have me waking up screaming over and over again.

That wasn't a pleasant time. Some of the worst moments of time. When I can't sleep for days and I end up sick. Not a good time.

I walk up to Trent, one of Kohen's friends out side our group. He's human.

"Hey you know if Kohen's here? His bikes here, soo."  I ask him.

"Yeah no. He and the rest of your group left about two minutes after you arrived." He was kind of being snappy at me, but I brushed it off. Well okay, if I was gonna be alone for this day it'll be at home with the comfort of Netflix and popcorn.

"Wait what? They left after I got here?" All he did was nod.

Well. That's awkward.

"Yeah, they never said where they were going, but we also didn't really ask so." By we he meant everyone in the group. But you knew that.

"Eh, alright. I'll figure something out. I was never here, got it?" I don't know if I was scary in general or if the look on my face made them just nod their heads in fear.

Well I never wanted that. Oops. Back to the task at hand. Leaving.

I just back onto my bike and go back the way I came. Home. Once I'm there is make sure my father knows I'm skipping school and put my pj's back on.

Who would stay home and wear outside clothes. Like really? Anyways, netflix and a book sound perfect right about now.

And some hot cocoa. Don't ask I don't know. I started up Netflix and decided on a show to watch. I had already finished Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, and the walking dead. I finally, after a long search through the selections, I decided on a show called continuum. It sounded cool.

After about five episodes of that the doorbell rang. Pausing the show I walk over to the door, look out the peep hole and looking to the face of someone I haven't seen I a very long time.


One of the first people I've trusted with my secret. Other than my father of course but I don't really think he should count. I rip the door open, not literally of course, and throw myself at his figure.

"I've missed you!!" I say to him all the while crushing him into a hug. Arms wrapped around his neck while he snaked his arms around my waist so I wouldn't just be dangling there.

"Haha, sure you have. I bet you haven't even thought of me in the last two years." He then proceeded to stick his tongue at me. Which I did the same to him.

"Absolutely not. Everytime I see that car in the garage I think of you." It was the truth too. He helped me so much, not just by helping me make my baby perfect, but letting me confide in him when I needed it.

"I'm calling bullshit but for now what's up?"

"I was actually kinda watching a show. And then you rudely interrupted my five episodes streak going on. I say we call for pizza. Then I can continue my show." I say while walking back into the house leaving the door open as a silent invitation to come in.

"You'll get over it. And how about I tell you why I've come. Actually I didn't really come for any particular reason. Just wanted to see you." He said as we made our way to the kitchen.

"Aww, did Turner miss his best friend?" I mean I can't say I didn't miss him from time to time either, but it's fun messing with him.

"Yeah. But you can't say you didn't miss your best friend either." He says going along with my thoughts all the while.

"True. I can't." I say while dialing the pizza place. I swear they have my order down pat. The phone rang a few time before the same guy who always answers the phone picked up.

"Do you always work? Everytime I call you're the one to pick up the phone." I say laughing a little.

"Yeah pretty much. Your order will be ready shortly. Delivery right?"

"I don't know why you even ask anymore. I don't leave my house unless I really have to." Like for school and stuff. I don't tell him that but it's still there.

After a few more seconds of slight chatter I hang up and turn back to Turner.

"You didn't sleep last night did you?"

"Even before you got to know me you've always been able to read me like a book. For a 5 year old. Am I really that simple?" I ask him. Maybe I was and I just never noticed.

"Maybe for me. You are one of the most complex people I have ever met. I'm just really good at reading people. Even one as complex as you." He said ruffling my hair.

I smile at him and drag him to the couch to watch something on netflix. Yeah sure I wanted to continue my show but I didn't want to start it over so he could catch up. That was a good five hours I would waste when I could be watching something else. Anything else.

We ended up watching some action movies, ones that we weren't actually watching but were more background noise while we sat there just talking about nothing. It was easy with him to just talk. Talk about anything.

Even about werewolves and nightmares of the unknown.

One month four days a day that actually ended great. I didn't go to school, netflix was playing, and pizza with my best friend. With some hot cocoa added in the mix. Even if everything was going decent right now in this moment, in the back of my mind I could help but remember the fact that he has found me.


I'm sorry about the skip in the week. I couldn't think of anything and then I got really sick. Like I went to the hospital for antibiotics.

But I'm going to slowly get better.

I hope.

Anyways, hope you guys like this chapter. I know there are mistakes... lots of them... but enjoy.


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