Chapter 11

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Recap: I still have to find my new locker, new classes, deal with the wolf/boy and probably more.

So the first day all over again. Wonderful.

Five days still. A couple books added to my reading list and with school about to start, I should probably go.

I hopped into my car and took off to school with my smoothie in hand. I got to school in record time. Maybe that was because it was 5 minutes down the street or maybe it was because there wasn't anyone on the road.

Parking in the same spot as yesterday, I realized how early I actually was. There were only a few cars in the parking lot, but the students they belonged to were still sitting in them. Probably listening to music, or doing homework they didn't do last night.

I don't get out because just then my phone started playing 'Nobody Knows' by The Lumineers. It was probably in my top 20 'favorite songs at the moment' list.

Yes my favorite songs lists change. Daily I might add.

When that song ended I turned the car off, then my phone started playing 'Broken Arrows by Daughtry. I ended up sitting there as my phone seemed to know exactly which songs to play so I couldn't leave.

I look up and see that there were a lot more people in the parking lot, one person stood out. He was looking straight at me.

Kohen started walking towards the car. I was trying to get out of the car and out of there as fast as I could. To my misfortune my bag got stuck on the gear shift. (Yeah it's a manual.) By now he was at the car about to lean on the car.

Then he did. That was the worst mistake he could ever make.

I slam the door shut, put the bags over my shoulder and pushed him with all my might. Which was a lot apparently because he went tumbling over and fell to the ground.

I started walking away and one of the guys from his group went over to him to laugh at him.

"Alpha just got dropped." The boy said to him in a mocking manner. If I were a full human I wouldn't have been able to hear what they were saying.

Great. He was an alpha, just my luck. I would be laughing too, if I wasn't fumming.

No one, and I mean NO ONE touches my baby but me and Turner. And my father. I can't actually do anything damaging to him without feeling guilty about it.

He wouldn't do anything to me but he would be pissed about it for a little bit.

Not listening to my surroundings like I really should do more of, someone grabbed at my arm pulling it towards them. Just as I was about to turn around and hit them, the arm let go of me and they took at least three big steps back.

"Kinsley, never ever sneak up on me. It could be damaging. And I don't want to accidentally hit you." She just laughed at me.

Which was something I wasn't used to when tossing out threats. "Oh I know. Remember I saw to punch Kohen in the face after he grabbed at you. Which will always be the best thing I've seen in a really long time."

"So that's his name!! And you may have for got to mention that he's the freaking alpha." I finish in a whisper. She looks around, it seemed like she forgot we were at school.

"Oops." She said with a shrug. I gave her my playful glare and turned around so that I could find my new locker, and she followed. "So what are you doing after school?" She asked.

"That's a great question." I mumbled to my self. "Probably find a way to kill Kohen. He touched my car."

I found the locker in record time. "You don't have any classes with me." Kinsley whined. "I thought that you had first period with me. At least there's lunch. But I'm warning you now, Kohen's in that lunch too." She started rattling off.

"I've already taken all of the classes that were on my previous schedule so I asked to change it up."

"On the plus side, your locker is right next to mine!"

After we finished with our lockers and did everything that was needed, we went our separate ways to our different classes. We saw each other all of one time before lunch, and when that happened she dragged me to her table.

Which was full. On the negative side it was full. That means I have to meet people and actually interact with them. On the plus side, it was full. Meaning a certain someone wouldn't be able to sit at the table.

Kinsley introduced me to 4 people.

There was Michelle, she had black hair that went down to her waist. Her tanned skin looked natural and not even from going in the sun. She had big bright grey/blue eyes. She had glasses on but they looked like they were more for style then anything else. She was werewolf, had to be. Not because of what she looked like, but because of the way her eyes seemed to change constantly.

Then there was Samson. He was a cute little guy totally nerdy, but in a cute way. I think anyone could walk up to him and talk to him no issue. He had dirty blond hair, it was kinda shaggy and kept falling into his eyes. His eyes were a beautiful color, even though they really couldn't beat Kohen's eyes. They were a golden color. Like his wolf was always up front rather than him. Unless he was human then in that case they were a very strange color. He was skinny but had a burger the size of a chicken on his plate. And he was only half way through.

Next in the line up was Myranda. She looked like she was kinda Asian but then it looked like she was Indian. I don't know, but she had dark brown eyes that were full of life. Her hair was dark brown with strips of blue in it everywhere. It was braided in the back but it was pulled over her shoulder. She had a backpack on and looked like she was jumping out of her seat. It almost seemed like as soon as the opportunity arised she would dart away from here.

And the last one was a boy named Thorne. Well that's what he told me. Kinsley told me otherwise. She said that his name was really Enzo, but demanded to be called Thorne. No one at the table knew why, just one day he told everyone that he demanded to be called by his last name. He has locks of gold, and eyes a bright as the sky. So blue they were almost grey. There was a power that radiated off of him. Making me believe him to be high up in the pack.

"You're the boy who was with Kohen after I punched him!" I exclaim, finally figuring out why he looked so familiar.

"Actually you pushed him. And yeah that was me!" He sounded joyous. The smile he pointed at me was bright and straight, but it definitely wasn't fake. It was 100% authentic. Maybe because me pushing him was comical.

I roll my eyes at him for correcting me. "I wish I had punched him again." I mumbled lightly. I look down into my lap with the smile I was trying to hide.

Lunch was going swimmingly, that was until someone decided it was a great idea to hold onto my shoulder because he was laughing to hard at a joke that was nowhere near as funny as he made it seem.

Then there was a loud, ear drum blasting growl that bounced it's way through the café. I just knew by the shiver running down my back who that growl belonged to. And I knew this wasn't going to be good.

Five days halfway gone, a new group of friends. Of actual friends, and not enemies, and now a wolf/boy now know as Kohen probably on the hunt for blood.

It wasn't my fault this time.


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