Chapter 16

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Recap: 3 weeks and some days gone by. Two wolves that are probably pissed beyond belief that I've been gone this long, a house full of explanations, answers, and questions that no one would be able to get through.


I walk up to the counter and sit down at one of the many empty bar stools and not even a second later there's a cup of steaming hot coffee in front of me. The creamer and sugar not far behind.

"You look like you needed it sugar. Or at least just some sugar. " The lady said in a high pitched voice. It wasn't one of those high pitched cringe worthy, but it was a sweet southern accent. If I didn't know any better I would think I was in Georgia or something.

Shit I was probably in Georgia, know that I did drive a long distance, and very fast saying as how no one was on the road at midnight.

The lady came back after she helped an old man named Lou. "Is that your car out there?" She pointed to my car. I looked at my baby with loving eyes. Yeah I know, I'm weird.

"Yes it is." I replied in my Texas accent.

"Well I would move it over one space other wise it might get hit." The look of horror that was placed on my face would have been comical if it weren't about my car. Or if it were on the face of another.

I raced out the doors to my car, jumped in and backed out. No one would be harming my car ever. They might, no scratche that, will get injured.

As soon as my car was in the safe zone I walked back inside. "What's the story behind that spot?" I asked the lady in a laughing manner. Her name was Helen, as read her name tag.

"There's an old man that comes in all the time, his name is Jerry. He isn't very nice and has totalled a few cars lately. He always parks in that spot whether there be a car there or not. That's why it's always opened." She then looks up, probably because of the loudness of the old black Ford truck pulling in. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." She muttered loud enough for several of the humans to hear.

I didn't think she was finished with the story, but she must have stopped because he had pulled in. The man just sat in his car for a few minutes I couldn't quiet tell what he was doing in there but I could feel eyes on me.

I looked back at Helen about to ask why I was being watched when she came over grabbed my things and pushed it over a few seats.

She set a plate of waffles, eggs and bacon ... BACON!!!!!... in front of everything and looked back at me. She wanted me to move. Which I understand. She didn't want any confrontation to occur. Especially not this early in the morning. So I moved.

After I ate all of the food on my plate which was actually quite a lot, I sit back for a minute trying to figure out what to do next.

Well I knew I had to call my father. Which I was really afraid to do. I mean come on, there's a mad man coming after me in my dreams and I just ran off? What kind of stupid was I thinking about.

Oh right... I wasn't thinking.

"Ma'am, could I borrow a phone for a few minutes? Also could you tell me what town I'm in." I ask Helen.

She grabbed the phone off the back counter and handed it to me. "You're in Brunswick."

"I'm in Georgia, great." I say sarcastically under my breath. I grab the phone and walked outside to the front entrance, no one really needs to hear this.

A blow up from my father.

He answers the phone on one ring. "Audrey where the hell are you?" He yells into the phone.

"Brunswick Georgia."
"You're in Georgia. Perfect." He replied

"Hey that's what I said to the lady inside." I tell him, but this wasn't a funny moment so it probably made things worse.

I hear him sigh in the background. "You need directions back don't you, and I'm guessing your phones upstairs right?"

"That would be correct. I mean I was freaking out that you had wolves in the house soooo." I don't continue, he knows what I was thinking. " I'm gonna go see if they have a map I can use, well have."

"No I'll send Kohen to come get you."

My immediate reaction was to tell him no, I don't want his help. That I would figure this out myself. Knowing my father though he's probably already sent him to help me home.

But I had to try anyways right? "Father I can do it myself, there's a lot of things actually I can do myself. And getting home is one of them." I hung up after that knowing that it would let him see how angry I was for no real reason. I didn't even really know why I was mad. It was probably just about the fact that he was sending Kohen to come find me. 

I walked back inside and gave the lady her phone back, finished my food and asked if I could have, or at least borrow till I got back to Florida. She said I could just have it and that they had more. I think she was just being nice to me.

I grabbed a blue highlighter from the cup of pens and such she handed to me and mapped a way for me to get back home.

I paid her for my breakfast, no matter how many times she told me she had it covered. It was like she knew me from somewhere.

I was walking to my car when she came out of the diner.

"Audrey!" I stopped on a dime. I never told her my name. I spin around really fast, so fast a human would have whiplash.

"How do you know my name?" I was a little freaked out. And that was under stating it. I was totally freaked.

"That's because I know who you are." She said it with a smile. "How?" I asked.

"The middle of Texas. "She stopped and looked around. "Your father is king." She says really low, even if I have werewolf hearing if I was even a foot steps away I wouldn't have heard her.

Memories flash through my head. Memories of this woman making me breakfast every morning. That's how she knew what I would have, that's why she didn't want me to pay. Because she had cooked for me since I was 7 at least. I jump into her arms but then take a few steps back.

"But why do you work here? Wouldn't you rather still be there in Texas?" I ask quietly.

"Nah, my favorite person isn't there anymore. Plus this is actually your dad's place, no matter how many times he says that it's mine." She gives a little hand wave, like she doesn't want to take the compliment, but the smile on her face says other wise. "Now you better be going, your daddy ain't gonna wait forever for you to get home."

And she was right. And Kohen wasn't going to catch me either.

I waved good by again and hopped in my car with map in hand. Throughout town I went the speed limit, but as soon as I hit the interstate I was gone.


Sorry it's so late and there's definitely some major errors because I was doing this as fast as I could even with writers block.

But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and have a great weekend. Whether you celebrate Christmas or any other holiday merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

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