Chapter 37

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One month, six days, a nightmare that had me screaming so extremely loud that if the neighbors didn't hear it then I would be surprised.


"Are you good?" Kinsley asks me discretely at lunch. No one was at the table yet, I wasn't eating, because of obvious reasons. Kinsley had a plate from the café, it definitely consisted of mystery meat.

"Wonderful. Just perfect." I say sarcasm laced within every word as if it should have been there always. Just then all the boys pulled in. Meaning Kohen, Enzo, and Samson.

"Is Michell coming today? I had seen her earlier but then in 3rd period she wasn't there." Samson was saying. I wasn't really paying much attention to what they had been saying. I was lost in thought.

Kohen nudged me in the side giving me the look that questioned what's wrong. Just shaking my head. I fold my hands on the table and lay my head on top.

"Okay seriously, Drey, what's wrong?" I hear from far away. It was Enzo. He was the only one brave enough to call me Drey.

"Nothings wrong guys, I'm just tired that's all." I say in an annoyed tone.

"You don't look tired," Kinsley started. "You look worn out."

"Yeah well how ever I look, I didn't get much sleep last night." I say. Thankfully the bell rings and I get up to head to my next class of the day.

Ah, nothing like A.P. Bio to make a girl happy. Not. All I wanted to do was cry. Well okay not really, I just wanted peaceful sleep, not a sleepless night. I couldn't understand why HE hated me oh so very much.

So that's what I thought about all day long. I tried coming up with some rhyme or reason as to why, a man I've never met in real life, hates me o' so very much.


When I got home my father was sitting at one of the bar stools in the kitchen.

"Father," I start, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was already having nightmares. I didn't want you worrying that it was so early in the move."

"Audrey, that's exactly why I want you to tell me. I worry about you anyways." I smiled at that. Of course he worries about me, I his only daughter, only child. Parents worry about their children.

Most of the time.

Parenting semi-lesson aside, it made me happy we were on speaking terms again. Meaning we would go back to our dinners at 7:30 sharp, talk about life, and if need be, talk about what happened during the latest sting of nightmares.

"Alright, now that I've apologized, somewhat at least," I mumbled the last bit,"I'm gonna go work on my homework, then be down at 6:40ish to make dinner." I say slowly making my words become louder as I ascend the stairs.

Night time, and dinner time came and went. At 12am, I tried my best not to fall asleep. Managing one night months into my sleepless nights verses a few days of restless nights, I could never keep my eyes open.

So when I shut my eyes that night, I was out cold, nothing could stop that from happening.


4 months later...

I woke up screaming. Again. Of course it's not like I wasn't used to it by now. 4 months of doing this any time I fall asleep, very unwillingly I might add. It's been happening a lot lately, only because I've kept myself from sleeping for a good 2 weeks, although this only hurts me more in the end.

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