Chapter 26

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Well this should be fun.

Four weeks, two days, and actually a good run with Kohen, I feel like today will be a good day.


Everyone, except for my father and Kohen, who went to their meeting, ended up in the living room. Two movies, six bowls of popcorn, and an elongated good bye, it was 12:30. The only person left here was Kinsley.

Myranda had homework to do. Michelle had something to do with her family. And Kinsley said she just wanted to stay and relax a little more before going home and do house work.

Whatever the house work may be, she didn't want anything to do with it.

"You do realize that I have to clean up the mess we made last night in my room and also whatever in the kitchen that needs to be cleaned right?" I ask Kinsley. She wanted to get out of house work at her own house only to get into house work at my house.

Her eyes went wide, and her mouth took and oh shape. "Well it'll be better to clean your house then my own. You don't realize how big my house is. And you haven't met my mother yet. She is bossy."

Before she could say anything else my father and Kohen walked into the living room. "And that's an understatement. She more like a dictator if you ask me. Only when it comes to cleaning the house." Kohen added.

"Hmm. Okay then. I'm going to go clean my room now. If you wanna help, come help, if not get outta my house." I was mainly aiming that at Kinsley, knowing she wouldn't want to clean, and I don't need the distraction.

"Okay I'm out!" Kinsley yelled walking out the door going God knows where. Good. One down one to go.

Kohen follows me into the kitchen and leans against the counter while I work. "You know I did say if you aren't going to help clean that you had to leave right?"

"Yeah I heard, but I wanted to ask you a question."

"Shoot." I said while grabbing all the popcorn bags and other trash that came with all the junk food we decided to ingest yesterday. Well at least all the thing that were still down stairs.

"Would you go on a date with me?"

"Not gonna be subtle about it are you." I say. Then I add something that he wasn't expecting. I accepted his invite for a date. "Yeah sure, I don't see why not. When is this date of ours?" I say with a smile on my face.


I laugh, "What's later? Five? Eight? Three days from now?"

"How about eight." He laughs.

We finish up the dishes in the sink and then get to the mess that is my bedroom. He helps me clean the whole house. And he wasn't even here for the party, Kinsley was. And she wasn't even here helping me clean,  what a shame.

It was a little after two by the time we finished cleaning my house. I think Kohen just wanted to hang out with me. Even if that meant cleaning.

"Alright I'm pretty sure we are done." I tell him after my room looked spotless. All he did was reply with a head nod. He looked really lost in though. Like he was mind-linking someone. "So, who are you mind-linking?"

"Huh?" He asks in confusion. He obviously didn't hear what I said.

"Who were you mind-linking?" I ask him again.

"Just Thorne." Because he isn't alpha yet, I knew Kohen wasn't asking Enzo (Thorne) to watch the pack. What else could he be asking him. I mean come on, he's definitely asking Enzo something. Right?

"Oh-okay. Well you need to leave." He looked shocked at my sudden push towards the door and me asking him to leave. More like telling, but you know whatever.

"What?!? Why??" He asks bemused.

"Do you want to go on this date or not? Because if you do I have to call your sister over and help me get ready and you need to leave so that when you pick me up you'll looked stunned and yeah." I start pushing him towards the door with my mighty strength.

Which is null. He didn't budge. Stupid full wolf. Grrr. "By the way what should I wear?" I ask. It would be good to know if we go to dinner or on some hike through the woods. Which probably won't happen saying as how the last time I went through the woods I was attacked.

"Something comfortable. But nice."

"How does that help me any? That could be anything." I say with an almost whine. Key word almost.

"I guess it doesn't. Oh well." And with that he ran out my house in 3 seconds flat. No like seriously it was 3 seconds and the door was closing shut.

I'm not kidding.

Four weeks, two days, house all clean and a date with Kohen to look for to. I don't know whether to be excited or nervous. Wonderful.

I am soooooo sorry about the late update but I've had killer headaches, writers block, and allergies are crazy no matter how many meds I take.

Pollen is evil... and everywhere. And the rain hasn't washed any of it away, instead the rain brought freezing temp. Well freezing for Florida natives.

Anyways, again sorry about the slow update, and I know it's short, but at least I already have the next chapter in mind. So it should be up next Thursday or Friday following the normalish schedule.

Night, morning, whatever it is time wise, wattpad.


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