Chapter 31

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One month four days a day that actually ended great. I didn't go to school, netflix was playing, and pizza with my best friend. With some hot cocoa added in the mix. Even if everything was going decent right now in this moment, in the back of my mind I couldn't help but remember the fact that he has found me.


It was 1 in the afternoon when I woke up. I didn't even know I had fallen asleep. The reason behind me waking up was the sound of a car door shutting from outside. That meant my father was home. The smell of food hit my nose not a second after, my senses heightening as I woke.

I get up hesitantly, not understanding how I didn't have a nightmare during my little nap.

Walking into the kitchen I see Turner making waffles.

"And in the mornin' I'm makin' waffles." I say making Turner jump 2 feet in the air and spin around like someone was attacking him. Then again, I kinda was, just with words.

"Really Audrey? You gotta sneak up on a guy? And with a Sherk quote?" He says with his hand over his heart and him breathing heavy.

"Eh, happens." I say, shrugging my shoulders, while leaning against the counter. I pulled out a bar stool and sat down.

The front door opens and closes with a bang. Fathers not the only one home.


"Fuck." I whisper-mumble under my breath. Kohen storms into the kitchen like a man on a mission.

I feel arms wrap themselves around me. If I wasn't holding into the counter I would have been ripped from the bar stool, and the plate that was set in front of me.

"Kohen, down. Now!" I tell him. The closet to him letting me go is he loosed his grip allowing more air to get through.

"Rouge!" He all but growls.

"Not rouge." I counter

"Actually Audrey..." Turner speaks up. "I'm technically not a rogue, just a lone wolf. But rouge is what a pack would consider me."

I had no words, my mouth was a gap, opening and closing like a fish out of water. The only noise coming out was the crackle of me trying to find words. Any word.

"You know a couple rogues almost killed her!? Rouges right now, here, aren't the best thing to be." Kohen was seething, like he couldn't believe a rouge past through his land only to stop where his mate lived.

"Aye, Kohen, Turner, shut up!" I yell with a power in my voice I didnt know I had, my father walks in stills from the power even if it wasn't directed to him.

"Okay time to leave. Both of you." My father said once he realized I was getting pissed off at them. It wasn't my fault, they were the ones arguing about nothing.

Once both of the boys leave, separately I might add, I no longer took control if they fought. I would care because I mean, ones my mate and ones my best friend. Though if they fight, and one got hurt I wouldn't be mad. Now if one died, I would be pissed beyond belief.

"What was that Audrey? What upset you that much where you used the power of an alpha to control them?" My father asks me. His facial expression is void and serious, but his eyes tell me something else.

"I skipped school because no one was there. After a little while of just watching Netflix there was a knock at the door, Turner."

Okay so I may be skipping a few things, like the fact that I had fallen asleep on top of him. Or that he came early in the morning. Or that he's a rouge. But my father probably already knew the last part.

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why you got so mad." He says looking tired.

"I'm mad because Kohen came in like there was a fire blazing throughout the house and I was in eminence danger. Turner is probably one of my only best friends, and yeah sure I have friends over here, but it's not the same. There's a difference between him and those out here." I say looking down at the waffles that were still on the counter before me, I smile a little at the plate, then look back up. He was looking at me suspiciously.

"Why am I having a hard time believe that's the whole truth?" He could always see right through me. Always.

"Because it's not the whole truth. I didn't sleep much last night." I look down at the plate once again. He would catch on. He would know that I lied to him last night at that he had found me. This wasn't going to be pretty.

"He found you. He found you and you didn't say anything, even when I asked last night." And he was pissed. That's an understatement. He was enraged, furious, livid. Those probably couldn't even describe how mad he was.

The thing about this though, he doesn't full believe that this man is real. That in reality he doesn't exist, he's just a figment of imagination. And maybe HE is, maybe he's just something my mind created for some unknown reason, karma coming back on me. For unknown reasons though.

My father walks out of the kitchen and into the living room. I didn't follow him out,  I just sat there staring at my plate in sadness. I knew I should have told my dad about it, about the fact that HE found me, as soon as he asked me.

Today was not going to be a good day.

One month four days, two of the three men in my life are fighting. Mainly because they don't know each other, but details.

On a side note they probably still wouldn't like each other if they did know each other, they're both to close to me.

The person I trust most is mad at me because I didn't tell him something so important. My life is just getting better and better.

Sarcasm duly noted.


Sorry about the long wait on this chapter. I seriously can't figure out what to do next.

And you know working so much doesn't really help much lol. I live in Florida and it's finally raining!!!!!!!

Anyways I'm hoping I can get another chapter up on Friday or so.... hopefully...


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