Chapter 25

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I accomplished the easy part. She called him. Then it rang. And rang. And rang once more. Just a soon as she was about to hang up the line clicked to life on the other side.



"Hello?" Kohen answered in a husky just woke up voice. I didn't know what to do. I froze

He had answered. At 6 in the morning I hadn't really expected him to be up. Well he wasn't up, I had woken him up.

"Audrey? Are you there?" He seemed to have woken up a little more.

And with that I hung up. Yeah I know that seems a little mean but I didn't know what to do.

Just ask him to go running with you. The words ran through my mind.

It wasn't too long, maybe just a few seconds, before Kohen called me back. If I let it go to voice mail maybe he will this I called him in my sleep or something.

The ringing stopped. Then it started again.

This time annoyance was what helped me answer then phone.

"HeyIwaswonderingifyouwouldgorunningwithme?" I spit it out so fast I was afraid he wouldn't understand. Hell I barely understood it.

I sat there on the couch in silence waiting for him to answer.

"Huh?" He said still with a tired 'just woke up' kinda voice. I couldn't tell if he was confused or he just didn't hear me.

"Never mind, just go back to sleep." I tell him and without giving him the chance to speak again I hang up on him.

It wasn't even 30 seconds later that the phone vibrated in my hand.

For some reason it was harder to answer the phone then it was to call. Maybe it was because you knew that someone was on the other line. And maybe you didn't know if you wanted to talk to them or not.

Just as I was mustering up the courage to answer the phone the ringing stopped. Only to start back up again. This time I actually answered it.

"Audrey? What the matter? Why are you calling at 6 in the morning?" He asked once he realized I had picked up.

"I just had a question but I've decided against it. I'm just going to go back to sleep now, maybe I can get some shut eye without being kicked off my own bed. By your sister no less." I tell him, even though I still really wanted to go running.

"Audrey, what's the question?" He asks in a demanding voice.

"I wanted to know if you could come with me for a run, saying as how I'm not in full health and there could still be rouges out. But I'm just going to try to go back to sleep."

"But I'm already outside." He says right before I can hang up. "You called and hung up and then didn't answer when I called the first time so I freaked out. Thatandimighthavebeenhereanyways." He says the last bit in a whisper but I could understand.

"Were you sleeping outside this whole time?" I whisper-yell at him.

There was a knock on the door. Knowing it was Kohen I opened it. He has a casual smile on his face with a twig in his hair and nothing but sweats on.

The not thinking and overly sleep deprived side of me, thought it would be a great idea to ogle him. I mean not to brag, but my mate was freaking hot.

"You can stop staring at me now." He says when I don't move from in front of the door.

I step away from the door and he walks right in. "Stay here. In need to get some clothes on." I tell him once we get to the living room.

I head up stairs and enter my room as quietly as I possibly could. I did not want to wake them up. That would mean question, some I definitely did not want to answer. At least not yet anyhow.

I grab a pair of joggers a tank top and a pair of sneakers then make my way super slowly out my door. I then proceed to walk down stairs and into the hall bathroom.

If I went to my bathroom I could possibly wake one of them up. Although if one of them wake up and I'm not there I'll have to explain myself anyways. Of course I don't think of that till I'm out the door with one Kohen in tow.

I put my sneakers on sitting on the step once we were outside with the door locked. I take my phone and put it in my bra along with the key to the house.

"Okay let's go shall we?" I ask Kohen. All he does is nod.

The first good 20 minutes of our jog no one said anything. Then the talking begun, I didn't know if I would like it or not.

"Why did you wanna go jogging Audrey?" Kohen speaks up.

"I normally would go jogging every morning. And of course being injured like I was I couldn't really do much. I couldn't sleep and this is what I normally do when that happens." I tell him only part of the truth. The full truth is, I normally go jogging only if I have a nightmare, even though that didn't happen today.

Today I just needed out of the house for a while. I was stuck in there for a few days and it was kind of suffocating.

"Okay then why did you call me? Couldn't you have gone with Kinsley or someone?" I was only a little shocked, I mean, wouldn't he have wanted to come with?

"I glad that you did ask me though. I did want to go. Maybe it was to protect you or just hang out. But still." He continued.

"Well one Kinsley and the others are still asleep. Not only that but we all went to bed at are 3ish. I know how we are. Wake us up early we might kill someone. Maybe. Plus aren't you glad that I called you? At least I didn't go out by myself. You and my father would have been furious that I went outside in the pitch black of the morning."

"True." Was all he said in reply.

It was quiet for a little while, we stopped only once so that I could catch my breath, then we turned around and went home.

The way back we talked about nothing in particular, just making conversation and just having some noise in the would be silence.

When we finally made it back to my house I was pounced on by my father as well as Kinsley. They both looked super worried about me. Well my father looked pissed but whatever.

Then they saw Kohen. My father physically relaxed once he noticed Kohen walk through the door after me. Kinsley ran up to me and started to suffocate me. She knocked into me so hard all the air in me went away and her hug was too tight, I could tell take in a good breath.

"Kins, to tight... can't.. breathe."

"Oh! Sorry! We were super worried about you. You weren't in bed when I woke up." She exclaimed.

"I went on a jog with Kohen. Where's everyone else?" I ask changing the topic.

"Living room. What do we want to do the rest of the morning?" She asks me agreeing with the subject change, while we walk to the living room to join the others.

"Well I'm gonna leave." Kohen says.

"We having another meeting so let's go." My father adds.

Well this should be fun.

Four weeks, two days, and actually a good run with Kohen, I feel like today will be a good day.


I am so sorry about the long wait, I've not only been super busy with work, but I've also been sick the past week and writers block is an evil thing.

Hope you guys like this chapter even though there's a room full of errors and it probably seems rushed. But at least I managed to get something out, and hopefully I can get the next chapter out faster then this one.


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