Chapter 49

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Going home, to a place full of love should be something easy. It should be a place of peace, comfort, and most importantly love. Unfortunately for me I didn't really know what any of that felt like right now.

I was brainwashed by a man who once loved me with everything he had, a love that was correct and not corrupt in any way. Then somewhere along the way something in him changed. He wasn't the same as he had been. Kiser wasn't a good person after eight year old me decided that he was too much for me to deal with.

Not that I remember that time anymore at least. On the plus side I still remember in full what happened the year or so that I wasn't with Kiser, although I'm not quiet sure that's a plus yet. Kohen will be in ruins. His mate left him. Not only did I leave him for another guy, I left him without actually saying goodbye. All I did was leave a mesily little note on my side table saying something about how I needed to do this, and it had to be done to keep both the men in my life safe.

Not like that's really going to matter. It broke both our hearts in the span of seconds.

So new question. What was home if it wasn't filled with love and comfort and peace? Not even the most compassionate person on the planet could really answer that. The only words I can give you is that it isn't really a home at all.

Right now, that's what the palace felt like. A place surrounded by guards, a security system that trumps any security system that's out there, and a shadow that is only meters away at all times. Sure it was protected, but it wasn't love, it wasn't comfort, and it definitely wasn't peace.

"Father they need to stop. I killed him, he can't get to me ever again. Right now there's nothing out there that can harm me. You've definitely made sure of that." I grumble out the last part. "Plus I haven't been to Kohen's pack, I've literally been here ever since we came back. I need to talk to him. I made a mistake by leaving him a note right before I ran off. And it's something that I definitely need to take care of sooner rather than later."

"Fine, but please, take a few guards with you?" The look that was on my face disappeared as fast as it was placed on. The look in my fathers eyes was one of worry, sadness, loss, but worst of all there was this tormented agony filled look. I knew why that look was there. Hell, everyone would know why those emotions were in his eyes clear as day. The last almost 4 years have been terrible. Not even the last 4 years, the last 14 years have been killer on him. This man that barely ages, this man that is basically immortal, has aged more over the last few years then he has in the last 500 or so years.all because his only daughter was caught in something that wouldn't have happened if her second chance mate was her first. If her first mate wasn't an obsessive, possessive wolf that an 8 year old was n't fearful, or annoyed about.

Things could have been so different. But I guess that's how everything in life is. Everything happens for a reason, and everything that happens that's bad and is more painful than any physical pain could ever be. I know this now, after a decade of torment from the one person that's supposed to love you unconditionally, the pain of being literally brainwashed almost daily, wasn't really something that anyone would ever get over.

One thing I knew for sure. What ever was about to happen with Kohen was going to hurt. No matter what happens next to me, I was going to be in more pain then the last decade and a half has ever brought me.

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