Chapter 33

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Newton third law of motion states, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So what goes up must always come down.

I didn't really wake up when my body hit the ground from 40 some feet up. But it wasn't like I actually died from that fall, fatal or not it was still just a dream.

Messed up version of a dream but still.

Eventually my body started to wake up, causing pain to ricochet throughout every nerve ending. Falling from that height might have been all in my head, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt like hell.

I groan at the pain as it slowly turns into just an annoyance. A throbbing sensation that only hurt a little. I slowly turn my head to my phone that lay on the bedside table, course checking the time would require moving. Wonderful.

I just decide to look out the window, it was still pitch black outside. It was probably around 3 in the morning, maybe a little later. It was definitely after midnight, that's for sure.

But then again midnight was when my eyes finally, unfortunately, closed. My body felt weak, it felt like everything went to sleep, and that tingling sensation you get after is all over everything.

I needed to use the bathroom after awhile, my body still in pain.

Pain vs. Bathroom.  Decisions decisions.

I took my chances and decided going to the bathroom was probably in my best interest. I start moving, groaning in pain all the while. As soon as my feet hurt the ground I paused. Waiting for the pain to calm down again.

Finally it stopped. I stood up and started my walk to the bathroom.

Then my legs gave out. Fan-freaking-tastic.

I know my father heard me fall into a heap on the floor. Unless of course he's still not home. That would be bad. Maybe. Who knows.

I know it sounds like I'm babying about the pain, but I mean come on, I did just fall from 40 some feet in the air. And if that had been real I would be dead, but that doesn't mean I won't hurt like I had fallen 10 or so feet.

I managed to make it to the bathroom with no other hiccups and only a few profanities coming out of my mouth. Finally after going to the bathroom I was able to make it back to my bed with only a little pain left attacking my body. Nothing but a dull ache left.

Thank the moon goddess.

I hear the door opening. "Are you okay?" My father says.

"Yeah sure, fine." Sarcasm, lots and lots of sarcasm. "Only fell from 40 feet off a building. Twice."

"That bad?" If it were later in the year, or time period where I've had the nightmares then I would normally just say not as bad as it could be. Or not as bad as the last one. Or maybe not that bad tonight. There are other nights I would tell him they were horrible and I would sit there having a slight nervous break down before he even came into the room, crying my eyes out from whatever messed up thing HE has come up with for me that night.

Tonight is one of those nights were it really isn't that bad. I can fully say the aftermath of this nightmare is definitly worse then the dream itself.

"No not really, the pain when I woke up felt like I fell off the building though, that's for sure." I shake my head of what he had told me. If I started to think on it and make up my own thoughts about it HE would probably know or figure it out. HE would be mad that I jumped to conclusions. Equaling in me getting hurt.


I don't want that. No one wants that. Mainly me.

I finally go and check my phone to see what time it was. To my surprise it was already 5am. Which means a good 45 minute run and a long blasting hot shower and I would have to start getting ready for school.

It was surprising to me because I normally wake up early in the morning because of the nightmares. Like really early. 3ish am early.

Anyways, he shuts my door slowly and quietly, then walks down stairs. I hear him make it all the way to the kitchen. He may still be mad at me for not telling him, but then again, he's just worried about me.

Grabbing my running shoes from next to my door and put them on. I grab my phone, the dock that gets wrapped around my arm, and the headphones.

Once I was out the door I ran. I ran even when my breath was coming in huffs and it felt like air wasn't getting in fully. But I pushed through all of that until my head was pounding and the nightmare was forgotten.

One month, five days, reality check lists, nightmares from hell, the not so usual as of late. But as of my life? Normal. A very very scary normal.

Sorry that it's so short.

Okay I swear she seems like she's babying the hurt but in later chapters be warned, the nightmares will get worse. So her being in pain for nightmares like this one is just gonna be normal from now on.

Thank you so much for all those that read my book, and hope you guys like this chapter


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