Chapter 17

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And she was right. And Kohen wasn't going to catch me either.

I waved good by again and hopped in my car with map in hand. Throughout town I went the speed limit, but as soon as I hit the interstate I was gone.

I wasn't even halfway home yet and I felt something. Not something bad or anything, but just, something.

Then I see a bike on the other side of the interstate that looks familiar. It's weaving in and out of traffic like they're trying to get somewhere. Just when the guy on the bike is about to pass me going the other way he looks straight at me.

Kohen was on that bike and I knew it. How I knew beats me, but I did.

After about 3 minutes he switches sides of the highway and I can hear his bike from behind me.

Now, I was going fast. Like 40 over the speed limit fast. He caught up to me, but he looked like he was struggling to keep up. I slowed down a little for his benefit. He motions I put my window down.

For some reason I just do.

"Hey can we like, pull over and get gas or something?" He yells, but going this fast it sounds like he was only talking a little above a whisper.

I look at my gas gage and agree only because I needed gas too. The first exit we saw didn't have any gas stations right off the interstate. We ended up going past 4 exits before we could make get off.

Pulling into a pump, Kohen pulled into the one next to me. He pulled off his helmet and threw it into the passenger side of the car. "Hey do you think I'll be able to put the bike on the bars back here?"

"I mean, you might be able to but the real question is are you allowed to." I give him a smirk.

He just looks at me, that look that means stop being a smartass. I look at him with one eyebrow raised waiting for him to ask.

He sighs,"Am I allowed to?"

"Sure." He rolls his eyes at me. "I'm going inside for something to drink. Here." I hand him the gas pump turn around and walk inside. The fountain drinks here are .69 cents a price. I grab 2 knowing that when my tank is full Kohen would come in. Some how I just knew.

Not even 3 minutes later he walks inside and walks up right beside me. I hand him the cup and push him towards the machine and continue my search for a snack.

Even though I ate something not to long ago... And it was really good.

I give up on my quest to find something and Kohen paid for the drinks, only because I wasn't fast enough to pay for at least mine for myself.

I get outside and before I can open the door Kohen starts talking again.

"Audrey, you know you freaked us out when you didn't come home after a few hours."

I was about to attempt to say that it was because I didn't actually know how to get home, and even though that was the truth, it wouldn't have settled the feelings of worry in them.

My father's I get, I mean I am royalty and there are plenty of people who know that even if most of the werewolf world doesnt.

That and you know, he's my father. He kinda has a right to worry.

Kohen is my mate, he's gonna worry about me probably even when I'm right next to him. He's probably worrying right now.

"He explained a lot of things to me. Things you probably didn't want me to know." He paused and placed our drinks on top of the car.

I look down at my feet, not from shame or embarrassment, but because I already know the look in his eyes. Sadness, worry. Nothing I really wish to deal with at this time. Not really something I ever have to deal with.

He gets closer to me and I turn my head before he can place a hand on my chin so that I'm looking at him. I close my eyes and speak. "We should probably get going, wouldn't want to keep my father waiting any longer then I have." I turn around and open my door even with him right there.

Part of me wanted him to shut the door and spin me around. To do something. But he took a step back instead.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my drink from the roof and got inside.

This was gonna be one long car ride.

Three weeks, five days and two wolves. Both full of worry but one also pissed and the other one filled with sadness.

Sorry about the long wait and the fact that it's also a short chapter but being sleep deprived kinda sick and still full of writers block can do that to a person.

Hope you enjoy the chapter, thanks for reading.


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