Chapter 38

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Five months, seven days, and nightmares just getting worse and worse. The only hope I have left is if I do sleep, it be a restful one and not something dark that kills me slowly.


I woke up in a cold sweat to the sound of screaming, yelling, and whimpering. Not really knowing what the sound was I try to go back to sleep.

Being still tired and sort of still in dream state my body was still mostly asleep. Another slight yell came out of my mouth making me drift back into the terrible nightmare.

I was being chased down an alley way. I don't know where I am I just know the he will kill me if I don't stop. And if I did stop he would kill me worse than ever before. So kept running. Never looking back never slowing down.

He was someone that I could point out in a crowed in no time only with the sound of his voice.

It sent chills down my body, making me ten times more petrified than before.

So I kept running. I managed to be stupid and not look where I was going and I ended up in a dead end. I don't know how I got here and I don't know where to go.

So I give up. I have no other. Choice but to take whatever punishment was give to me for giving up, but I was just done.

I was curled up in a ball in a fetal position when he found me. Which didn't take long, maybe a few minutes.

"I told you to not give up. What did I say if I found you, and you had given up? Hmm?" He said in an icy voice. I knew what was going to happen next. He pulled me to my feet and was dragged out of the alley way only to be thrown forward into the busiest street I've seen in a really long time.

How did I not see all of these cars before? Oh right because I'm not in charge of these dreams, he is. After being run over a few times you'd think I'd be dead, right?

Wrong. This is indeed a dream after all. He comes up to my should be smashed body and picks me up holding me bridal style. If I even moved or tried to be difficult I would get a worse punishment.

I don't even know what I've done to him to make him upset this time.

Why does he always do this what did I ever do to make him want to kill me almost every night? What's the point of all this?

"The point my dear is that you don't get it." What he said made shivers go up and down my spine, which he noticed.

"But what don't I get?" Apparently my dream self was being confident tonight.

"It'll be clear eventually." That's all he said before I was being tortured even more.

I was drowning, I of course didn't die, but I couldn't breathe and I was becoming very tired. I was just about to pass out, which would have been a God sent, when I was fished out of the water. I was thrown hard on the concrete in front of the water sputtering water mixed with blood up out of my sore throat.

He told me to get up. I tried I really did, but I just couldn't. It felt like a shit load of bricks was holding me down. I look at him with pleading eyes not knowing what else to do saying as how I literally couldn't speak my throat so damaged.

All he did was grab  me and pulled me away from the water. I was then thrown into a chair, my throat feeling much better.

"Audrey, Audrey, Audrey. What am I going to with you if you don't listen? Hmm?" Then he pulled out a gun. It was a revolver, I should know by now what it was. The type and brand and name.

The thing is, I didn't know what it was. It was darker in this room than normal, and he could have a different type with a different name. Different colors other than the silver with black handle, with some design marked on the handle. The barrel and revolving piece being the silver part.

He put 3 bullets in, spun the chamber, and looked at me with dead cold eyes. He grabbed a chair from the far wall moving it in front of where my chair was.

"Why did you do it Audrey?" He looks at me then. I turn my head to the side, not knowing what he meant.

"What?" I finally ask. Hoping he didn't put a bullet in me once I said it. I let out a small breath when he didn't.

"You seriously don't know what I'm talking about do you, oh that won't do." He got up from his seat and paved slowly around the small space. "I thought you would be smarter than that Audrey. Telling someone you don't know about me. Tsk,
." He shook his head at me.  "And a werewolf no less. But on the plus side you're his. He will never be yours though. That's not the title he can have. "

He shot the gun right at me. Hitting me in the leg. So now I knew where the bullets were at. Maybe.

"Why can't I be his exactly? Not that I really want to. I wouldn't want to subject anyone to what you put me through." I spit out in pain from the bullet in me.

He started pacing again, this time putting the gun on a silver table which had some surgical instruments on it. I paled at the sight. I knew what was going to happen next, I would become his pretty little science experiment. Poking and proding me with whatever sharp object he grabbed.

He walked behind me, tying my hands behind my back and onto the chair so quick it was like one second I wasn't bound, then next I was. He put a rope around my torso so I wouldn't move so much and tied my ankles around the legs.

He grabbed the tray from the table and placed them on my chair. I just sighed in defeat knowing anything else was pointless.

He started with my leg, ripping the bullet out with his bare hands. I had to bite my tongue so that I didn't scream out in agony.

After a while the pain seemed to dull, then I got really tired.

"You can sleep now darling." He said in a sweet voice and if I hadn't been tortured by him for the past who knows how long I would have thought that he was saying it to be nice or caring or something. But I knew better than that.

I didn't wake up right away. I was in the limbo state I come to every once in a while. I stay here for a little while. It allows me to have somewhat restful sleep. No matter how terrified and beaten my body feels.

I already knew tomorrow was going to be a terrible day. And it wasn't even morning yet. I haven't even woken up yet.

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