Chapter 27

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Four weeks, two days, house all clean and a date with Kohen to look for to. I don't know whether to be excited or nervous. Wonderful.


"So!!!! How was it!?!?!" I wasn't even in the door of the house before I was bombarded with questions from Kinsley. How she got into my house was a mystery, although it was probably my father. "I want to know every detail!" She finished.

"Can I at least walk through the door? And just to let you know your brother is right behind me." As soon as I said that she pulled me through the door and slammed it shut on Kohen.

"He I wasn't to at least say night!" Kohen yelled through the door.

"To late, she mine. Now leave." She yelled through the door to him.

I could somewhat hear him say what sounded like 'women I swear, they're all crazy.' Before I could comment to him that yes, we indeed were crazy, I was pulled and dragged to my room before practically being thrown onto the bed.

"Okay, now that he's gone I want to know every detail of this date!" Kinsley said after she bounced on my bed right after me.

"Okay okay, where should I start?" I say more to myself rather than her.

Flashback, 3 and a half hours ago.

Kinsley came over about five minutes after Kohen left to who knows where. Probably to Enzo to get date details together. Maybe.

"Kins, he said comfortable. And plus we don't really get cold." I tell her when she was trying to get me into a burka. A freaking burka. Like seriously? Are we in Alaska and I didn't know it?

"Okay, fine. What do you want to wear?" She asks, but it sounds a little sarcastic in my opinion. Which to her didn't matter when I told her so.

"How about just a t-shirt and jeans?" I tell her. "And maybe some boots." I mumbled along with it. What can I say, I'm from Texas, originally. If I could actually go and say I like shoes it wouldn't be anything like heels and flip-flops, sneakers or something like that. It would most definitely be boots. Cowboy boots to be 'perfectly' persist.

"Nope, absolutely no boots." She tells me. This had me questioning her.

"Why not? I like boots. Well that's an understatement. But still why no boots?" I had a little of my Texan accent lacing through the words.

"Because I said so!" She then proceeded to huff and cross her arms. She was acting like a child.

"Listen, I'll wear what I want but I'll give you full freedom to do my make-up and hair. As long as I don't look like a clown and you don't cut my hair. Does that sound fair?" That was my ultimatum, she would have to take it or leave it.

"Cutting your hair would be a shame, no it would be a disgrace. That hair is too perfect to be cut."

"I think that's a little over board but okay." I mumbled lightly. "Let's just get food first, I'm still hungry, then you can do your magic." She agreed with me saying she was hungry as well. Even though we did eat like fourty bowls of popcorn.

That's an overaggeration, but still. It was a lot.

"What shall we have then?" We walk down stairs for food, then traveled our way back up so we could just eat up there and watch a show or two. I wouldn't have to start getting ready for my date until about 6 or so, and it was only about 2 now. Plenty of time.

We watched 3 episodes of Vampire Diaries off Netflix and then got to work.

First things first. I jump into the shower and wash quickly. Body, hair, shave. The normal things to do when going on a date with a guy. Jump out brush out my hair for whatever would come loose, put deodorant on and brush my teeth all in record time. Then it was time to deal with the torture that was bound to come.

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