Chapter 41

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Recap: Five months, 9 days, thinking about the truth is not how I wanted any day to go.


It was night 5 of Kohen sleeping over, holding me. So far I've only fallen asleep once and even then I had a nightmare.

Sure it wasn't anything too bad as it had been lately, but still, me sleeping with my mate was still not helping. I told him. I told him nothing would work.

And I get it, there's probably plenty more things we could try to stop these death nightmares. One being him marking me.

Just to let everyone know, I don't want to be marked. If I'm marked then that means I belong to someone. It means that I'm his other half, fully and completely, I've never wanted that.

It was time for this to end. All of it. The nightmares, the slowly sinking feeling I get every passing day. Every nightmare and every sleepless night. The fact that even though I have never wanted a mate, I do, and because I'm hurting he's hurting too.

And then there's my father. He's done nothing but help me in the trying last several years.

I do what I've been doing for the last 5 days. Get up. Kick Kohen out of my house. Get ready for school and walk through the woods because I don't want Kohen taking me, and I don't want to drive. I know it's dangerous but it's been fine the last 5 days so I might be fine.

Then school, going though the motions, having Kinsley question my moods and personality at that moment. The whole normal thing that's been going on for a good 2 months; and then I would go home read, try not to fall asleep for a nap, and get food sometime in the night for dinner.

At this point, 5 days after we started this whole thing where me and Kohen sleep in the same bed thinking that maybe, just maybe, will the  nightmares cease to exist. No such luck. So tonight is gonna be like a normal. No wolf-mate to try and fail to keep the nightmares away.

Which is exactly what I told him this morning when he wandered into school not 5 minutes after I arrived, knowing exactly where I'd been, and what I've done. So I'm sure he knew what I'd done.

Slowly, as the night progressed, my eye lids started to grow heavy. Then, before I knew it, I was asleep.


"Audrey, you come with me or I'll kill him." My nightmare would come true if I don't listen to him. Next thing I know Kohen was in his grip with a knife on his throat, and a cliff behind them. He was being chocked, I could only tell by the color his face was slowly becoming.

"Please don't hurt him." I cry out. Some sort of primal possessiveness was coming out. I was feeling the need to kill him. My skin was tingling with a need to do something.

"Come to me then. I won't kill him. All you have to do is walk away from him. Leave him behind."

The dream ended suddenly. I run down stairs straight into the living room, knowing that's where my dad would be. On the plus side he was alone.

"Dad." I call out in a broken voice. He looks up at me with worry. I've never sounded this broken. "We have to go. I have to go. He's," I point to my head, "going to kill Kohen." There were tears running down my face. I couldn't let him go. Not easily, but to save his life then maybe I could.

"You'll have to go ahead of me. There's no way that I can just up and leave this pack Audrey. And you know why. There's not much I can do about it."

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