Chapter 5

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Audrey Mitchell's baby!!🔝


No seriously, what else could go wrong?

Of course I think too much and I also wish for things that never come true.


I was good for a little bit. I found the school in about 5 minutes. But on the plus side I could probably walk to school every day, instead of driving.

Then I parked. As soon as I did that, pretty much all hell broke loose. Everyone turned to look at my car. And I mean everyone in the parking lot. Which were a lot of people saying as how we still had 15 minutes till class started.

I parked closers to the front so that my baby, my Matte black Ford Mustang, (picture at top) wouldn't get hurt. I painted her all by myself. I had help tricking her out though.

I didn't quite work at the garage down the street from my old house near Dallas, Texas. I went there and messed with the owner whenever I felt the need to be extra sassy. Or I was just bored in general.

The owner of the shop was a guy named Turner. He had told me whenever I needed sleep or someone to talk to he was there for me. He was young, maybe early twenties, but he looked like he knew what he was doing.


"Hey Turner!" I yell into the garage. It was late so I wasn't really expecting him to be here. To my luck he wasn't here. The smirk that made its way onto my face was one of evil.

Well okay not evil but mischief was definitely involved. I had found this old beat up car on the side of the road, I was planning on dragging it into the shop. His perfectly kept, clean, organized shop.

In here everything had a place. And I was just about to mess all that up.

It took me 20 minutes just to drag the lug of scrap metal into the shop. I was dead tired for one of the first times in a while. The couch at the back wall of the shop looked very comfortable at the moment.

I would just close my eyes for a few seconds, catch my breathe, go back -

I wake with a start. There was a crash. No that was the sound of a car dropping back onto 4 tires. I rub my eyes with the back of my hands and stretch chasing the sleep from my muscles.

"This is great! Still in pretty decent condition, and it still turns on. Drey, did you bring this here?" I only nod. Then I processed the rest of what he had said.

"THIS PIECE OF SCRAP WAS DRIVEABLE!! WHAT ARE WE still doing here let's test drive it?!?!?!." I was pissed that I didn't try that out first.

He chuckles at my obvious annoyance, which I mean come on. The damn thing was able to turn on. But it turned on!

"Well then, let's go?" He says. I didn't hesitate to hop into the passenger side of the car and wait for him to get in the driver's seat. Like hell he would let me drive with him in the car. Not to mention it was manual drive, something I didn't know how to do.

Yet. 😏 (just imagine that smirk on my face.)

He shook his head, and gave me a little laugh before taking the keys that I never thought to look for and put them in the ignition. We drove out of here in no time jumping onto the main road in seconds.

"Damn." I say in adorement. I've never been so in love with something inanimate. This would be a first in my books. "Can you teach me stick shift and we can trick it out? It works so there shouldn't be much to that part right? And you can teach me right!?!?" Please say yes, please say yes!!

"Yes Drey, and I'll do you one better, I'll teach you how to fix it if it ever blows out on you too." Maybe it was the excitement in my eyes, maybe he had his own reasons for doing this for me. But we spent hours in that garage working on just my new baby.

Any car that he got in from a customer or something I had to help him with. I get it, my car is getting worked on for free, minaswell get free labor out of it too. I was there far too often not to help.

It wasn't like I liked him or anything. No sarcasm in that sentence. No seriously, I'm telling the truth here.

And that is how my car came to be. Anyways. Back to the present.

When I got out of my car in my cute little dress, and started walking in my flats, cause fuck heels, to what I assumed to be the front office.

Which I was right about.

"Hi, I'm Audrey Mitchell, I need my schedule." I looked at the name plate before me. 'Mrs. Zander'. What a cool name.

"Well hello darling, let me just go find it." Now in most books where the new student came in the secretary would have all of this ready for me. But no, I'm not in some fantasy book. This was real life.

It took her maybe 3 minutes (which is a long time to just sit there and wait for something that's supposed to be ready) to find my items. "Ah ha! Found it." She exclaimed. She handed it over to me and pointed out things like the map on the back page, where my homeroom was, and where my locker was located, which by the way I had to pay for.

Like who does that? Anyways. It took me a couple of minutes to find my locker. The reason I couldn't find it was because there was a group of people standing in the way. Which pissed me off.

"Hey I need to get to my locker." I said in an annoyed tone. Which was ignored. "Listen here, I need to get to my locker." I had to almost yelled it to get their attention. It was already going to be a bad day I could see it now.

"So? Why should I care?" One guy said from the middle of the group.

"Just move dude." I said in a flat tone. I was tempted to be one of those girls who doesn't really care and look to her nails and act like the total bitch. But there was another part of me that just wanted to put my bag in the locker and walk to home room.

He looked at me with a smirk plastered to his face. One I so wanted to slap off. "And if I don't?" He asked slyly.

I push my way through the crowd around my locker to stand right in front of him. "Listen here buddy, I'm already having a bad day, and I don't need a prick like you making it worse." I felt my nails dig into the heel of my hand.

Like he could see my hand flexing from the need to punch him, he agreed. "Fine whatever." The guy said back in a pissed off tone. He pushed away from my locker.

They all went separate ways. Some girls glaring at me and a few of the other boys looking at me in shock. 'What did I do? Tell me I didn't just get on the bad side of one of the 'bad boys' of this school. Not like I'd care too much but I didn't need this.'

So much for trying to be nice. Lack of sleep was getting to me, and it wasn't even first period yet. And today was already starting to get interesting.

Four days, school and stupid probably bad boys to deal with, 'New Girl' already in the rumor mill, and not to mention the wolf/guy. Maybe it wasn't going to be that bad. As if.


Hey guys!
Thank you so much for all those who read this book.
Good night/morning wattpad,hope yall liked this chapter!!!
BTW that car up there. Totally my dream car, no lie.!!!😍😍

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