Chapter 2

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Recap: A 10 hour drive, lack of sleep and soon to be a day dealing with movers. This sounds super fun.

Everything was going fine with the moving company, who actually showed up on time. That was until someone dropped a box.

There wasn't anything valuable or breakable in it, so that was a good thing. I think. It was just bedding, which I went through and checked. After that almost accident everything returned to being fine. Everything was directed to the correct place.

I set up the living room the way I had it all planned in my head from last night. If dad wanted to change anything that was all him.

The T.V. was plugged in, my Netflix account added, the couch stationed perfectly to curl up on and just watch supernatural all day on. And also the rest of the stuff that goes into a living room, which I didn't care all that much about.

The moving people came and left and now it was 3:40 pm and I was starving. I never had breakfast... or lunch... or dinner the night before.

Just a lot of freaking candy.

Pausing the show, I went and looked for some food. I knew the answer to my unsaid question, it was that there wasn't any food in this house to begin with.

A shopping trip was in order. Groceries and school supplies were in need.

They would have to wait though. Now was not a time to make anything. Now was a time for pizza. Yeah I get it. Candy. Pizza. None of that's good for me, but I wasn't in the mood to cook or, well do anything for that matter.

Calling the closest pizza place, I ordered two pizza's exactly the same. They were large triple cheese pizza's with stuffed crust, some pepperoni, spinach, meat lovers galore. And some other stuff, but I wasn't really sure what that was. All I had said was triple the cheese and throw whatever else topping wise you have.

"How many people are you feeding? A house full?" He asked. Over the phone it sounded like he was already in shock.

"Two people. Why?" I asked bemused.

I mean I'm half werewolf, I have a large appetite, plus no one should ever question pizza. Ever!

"No reason." I imagined a smirk on his face, him probably thinking us something strange. He then said something about it being at my house in 20 and asked for the address, which I rattled off in record time.

Going back to supernatural while I waited for my pizza sounded like a wonderful idea. It came quicker now that I was looking forward to seeing Dean almost get killed again, but this time because of the 4 horsemen. But being Dean he has died like 3 times already.

It was the end of that episode when the door chimed. Signaling the pizza people.

I open the door and take the pizza from the guy, pass him the money and all, not really paying attention, all I wanted was to sit back down and watch the rest of this season.

Like 12 and a half hours later. Just kidding. It was only like 5, Dad pulled into the driveway just in time for his large everything on it pizza. I threw it in the fridge cause that's how he liked it. I wanted to hear about his day and how everything went. It's probably just boring stuff, that's always how it is in the beginning. But I asked away anyways.

Going over new-aplha training, what they hope to accomplish by the time we leave and checking the immediate surroundings were some of the first things they had gone over. "The pack lands are kind of big out here. Not as big as that one in Nebraska though." He said.

There were a total of 2 packs in Nebraska. One in the northeast part of the state, and one in the southwest part of the state. The alphas of each pack were twin brothers at odds. Only reason they were at odds is because one pack had more land than the other.

I guess they didn't want to share everything. Even an entire state. There wasn't even room for a no man's land. Like really?

"This is good pizza. What is it?" He asked coming into the living room with a plate full of nuked pizza.

"I really don't know. I said meat lovers with spinach with lots of cheese and anything else that they had there. And that's what they gave me. Why did you nuke it? I thought you liked pizza cold." I said eyeing the steam coming from the plate.

My dad looked exhausted. Maybe because he woke-up before the crack of dawn, or maybe it was because he just got home and it was already almost 10pm. He was an old man, of course that didn't mean that he looked old. He was 500+ years old after all.

I'm sure he stopped counting after 500 years.

He looked maybe fourty years old, fourty-six the lastest. He didn't have long shaggy hair, it was kept clean cut and pushed out of his face, it was dark almost black in color. He was building a little scruff and stubble around his chin and the side of his cheeks. His eyes were an electrifying, cobalt colored eyes, the same color as my own.

Or is it the other way around. I had the same color eyes as him. (A/N: Color at top)

"Well it's good." He said in thanks." And just because I normally eat pizza cold, doesn't mean I can't throw it in the oven for a few minutes."

"Okay whatever. By the way, I need to go to the store soon to get food and school supplies for Monday. Which is in less then two days from now." I tell him.

"I'll leave my card here so get whatever you normally get, just make sure you get some food that I like to. I know how you get with a credit card and food." He looks towards me with a fake glare. "And books." He added on in a whisper.

I put my hands up in surrender, because that was true. "Got it." We watched the next three episodes before we decided that it was probably best to go to sleep now. We had actual beds to lay on tonight. Which was great.

I took my shower and didn't wash my hair. It was dark brown that went down to my waist. When it was wet it was hard to manage unless I just threw it up in a messy bun, which is what I did most of the time.

Grabbing my book, I decided to read until I fell asleep. And that's exactly what I did, other than the sleep part.

Ten chapters, two days, and a full pizza down. Many more to go.


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