Chapter 15

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Recap: I drove straight through town. Into another town, then another, and another, until all that was left was the sand and water of a beach.


One thing in particular stands out that I haven't thought about in awhile.

My mother.

Now I never knew my mother, but from the stories that my father's has told me about her she sounds amazing. But the thing with stories is, they are just stories. My father made them into fairy tales, it didn't have the heartache and fights, or anything really bad at all laced within.

That's not a fulfilling relationship. Every relationship comes with ups and downs, fights and love. It's futile to fight it.

My mother was his third Mate, sure that means that he loved two other people before her. If we weren't werewolves that would mean nothing, he just moved on and fell in love. But we are werewolves and it's quite weird to have more than one mate in a life time. Even if a life time is over 500 years.

A normal wolf will more than likely die if their mate dies, being king might have changed that some how. Maybe it was because he didn't have a heir??

Anyways, back to the one person I wish I actually knew. My mother. I know I keep running off topic, but I just didn't know her at all. I wonder what she looked like. And before you ask, no we don't have any pictures of her. Anywhere.

My parents weren't fully mated, even if my father marked and mated my mother....

They weren't fully mated until a ceremony happened, which wasn't able to happen because she died giving birth to me. I mean, it is kinda in a way my fault, but then again not really. Her body just couldn't handle a werewolf hybrid.

So basically this is all Fates fault. If she hadn't made my parents mates, I wouldn't be here. If I wasn't here Kohen would have a mate that isn't broken like me. My mom would be alive, living, happily with some probably human guy. LIVING.

But then I think. If my father never met my mother, who would be his next mate? Would he have an heir by now? Male at that? With a werewolf who didn't die during labor and she could rule at his side and they wouldn't have all these pretenses.

My father wasn't just a warrior. And we did tell the truth, what ever portion of it was able. He is the best warrior in the entire werewolf kingdom.

Alpha King Jack Mitchell.

Baddest, deadliest, honest, and other things a good king should be.

He was protective. Of his kingdom. Of his packs. Of ME.

Out of everything he was most protective of me.

This isn't the topic I wanted to be on, my mother. But then again, I still didn't really know her anyways.


I looked into the water, wondering what it would be like to never be seen or heard of again. Father would come with me. If I asked him. Or I can do it on my own. Who knows, maybe that's what I need.

Some completely isolated alone time away from everyone. Everything.

The sand underneath me has now become hard. I haven't moved from this spot in what feels to be hours. I sit in this spot thinking and watching the waves.

I went to check the time, hoping that by now maybe it was safe enough to go home.

Then I remembered something.

I had come running down the stairs to tell my father about my bad dream. I was still, even to this moment, in my ratty grey sweat pants and an old t-shirt with an old band on the front.

I hadn't been thinking of something so material as my cell phone. I had bigger issues to deal with at the time. Like you know, night mare. House full of wolves. That sort of thing.

Kohen and my father can probably find me. If they really tried, or I could wait until sunrise for people to wake up and ask them how to get back to Palatka.

On the plus side I knew the name of this new town, the last town we were in was named Nacogdoches. Took me forever to learn how to say, and I'm native to Texas.

Even then, by the time I fully figured out how to pronounce the name, we were moving here. Palatka, FL. So really long story short, there wasn't much of a point in learning the names.

The sun was finally coming up over the shore line. The people in this sleeping town would finally be awake, which means I would finally be able to go home.

And maybe get some food along the way, as I thought it my stomach grumbled agreeing. Getting up from my spot in the sand, my butt was numb. Well why wouldn't it be, I had been sitting in that exact spot not moving once for a good few hours.

I knew what was waiting for me when I got home. Two very angry wolves.

I hiked it to my car and fumbled with my keys in the still dark air. I unlocked my door and goto the local diner I had seen on the way in.

The open sign was just being lit up, but already there were people inside. I pulled into the first spot I could find and walked in. Of course in this place I didn't lock my doors, it's a small little town no one would have even found they were looking for it.

Or me, running away from my problems like they won't be there when I get back. At least it's a different problem this time, and not the same guy trying to kill me in my sleep.

That's unfortunately a very long story and will be divulged later. Or never, which ever ends up coming first.

The hustle and bustle of the place didn't stop even when a new person came in the doors. I'm that new person today.....

But you knew that.

3 Weeks and some days gone by. Two wolves that are probably pissed beyond belief that I've been gone this long, a house full of explanations, answers, and questions that no one would be able to get through.

Sorry about it being so late lately... work and finals got busy and stressful.

And writers block is kind evil... sooooo the next few weeks might take me a little bit. Sorry about that.


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