Chapter 48

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I have updated chapters 46- 48, so please make sure you're on the right chapter. Other wise things will get very confusing very quickly.



I woke with a start. The dream I had was crazy. Kiser was lying to me, and I had this other life that I couldn't remember, it was how it was in the beginning, but now they were only dreams.

The sheets pooled around my naked body as I sat up.

Wait, what? Naked body? I have never and probably will never sleep naked. Kiser said it was dirty to sleep in nothing. Even after sex, we had to take a shower. No if, ands, or buts. I look down at my body. The horror that sets in, telling me my dream was in fact real. There was blood everywhere. On me, on the bed, on the floor where claw marks and blood soaked paw prints could be seen coming through the door.

I get up in a rush, throwing the blanket from around me, only to trip on it in my rush.

I follow the paw prints all the way into the study. The loud scream that comes out of me probably woke the neighbors. I hurry up grab the phone and start to dial 911. But what was I going to say?

This man who claims to be my husband, actually abducted me, told me I lost my memories, which I had, and then I turned into a giant wolf and the wolf killed him, ripping him to shreds.

Yeah cause that would go over well. But what I needed to know was, who were the people in my memories. I still didn't know that. Must be my family. I don't know my family, I don't remember anyone.

As unfortunate as it is, the only person I know would be Kiser. Well knew.

There was a knock on the door, the phone slips out of my hands and lands on the floor with a clatter. There's another knock, and someone calls out for someone named Audrey.

"Audrey, I know you're in there, please baby come out, open the door." The voice was loud yet soft. As if they were talking to a child.

I walk slowly to the door, grabbing the first weapon like object I could reach. It was a statue off the side table. Once I get to the door I open it slowly keeping the chain on. "Sir, there's no one here by that name. Just Kiser, and Maylynn."

"Kiser that bastard." The man growled out, causing me to flinch away from the door. This man was pissed. "Audrey, please just open the door and I can explain everything."

"My name isn't Audrey!" I cry, "it's Maylynn, please just go away, you have the wrong house." I finish slamming the door shut and walking as far away from the door as I possibly can without turning around. I knew I should have seen it coming, but the kick to the door that shattered the lock to pieces still caused me to scream blood murder, and run to hide.

"Audr- I mean Maylynn, please, baby, just come out here and we can talk. Please." The sound of heartbreak that mixed with that voice had me wanting to stand up and run into the arms of this man. I hesitantly stepped from behind the pillar, statue in hand, ready to strike.

"What do you want?" I ask in a hard voice. Then our eyes meet. My eyes meet his. They were the same.

The statue falls out of my hands as a splicing pain rings through my head. The memories from last night shoot through my head, just this time slower, in more detail. People, faces, names. Dates, appearances, friends. Meetings, childhood, family. My father. Everything comes back.

"Father." I stand up quick and run into his arms, landing with an umph. I cry for so long. "Its been 3 and a half years Audrey." He trys to say over crying with me.

Half Breed's Nightmare. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now