Every breaking dawn,
The wind would break its territory.
And that's when I would see it.
It would slather this air
and suffocate each breath
as it passed by
our innocent souls.
I saw it.
How wouldn't I have seen it?
Why would I want to?
The fever was running and its temperature dug deep into the fire;
Infernos swallowed each space
Each dimension;
Each direction-
I witnessed each gush of lava swallow the wind.
I witnessed this volcano erupt;
I watched this life.
Yes, the same life that she lives
and the same air that you breathe.
The same dome.
The same bubble.
I disregarded these thoughts
because I heard your cry.
It was the picture that my mind has ever portrayed and drawn.
I remember the sound of your cry
as the disconnection of the strings from a violin.
It's musical.
It breaks me.
Everything comes back to me.
I live in a boomerang.
I wonder if you'd come back to me, too.
A tear escaped my pupil
My crusty lips came in contact with the wind
I scolded it with the fire that grew in me
I caught it with all my might and power
I screamed at the wind.
Why did you take her away from me?
Mellifluous Murmurs
Poetry❁ Freedom is allowing the crisp air to guide you through this forest we can call society. ❁